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Contrary to the usual Dothraki custom Khal Drogo stood vigil outside the Temple as his khallasar celebrated. They were advised by his wife's family to stay in Vaes Dothrak until the birth of their babe. His moon was in the temple with the doshkalleen, in the throws of childbirth. Her labor screams could be heard even over the music and celebrations. Everything quieted as her screams stopped.


Dani huffed, trying to catch her breath. Her babe being held to her chest, tears brimmed her eyes. Her babe. Tuffs of white blonde hair and eyes already so purple, skin was a soft tanned color. Smiling as her son suckled at her breast.
"Go bring in Drogo." She told her maid. "Take the blood and bathe the eggs in it, then place them in the fire." She told another.
As the maid did as told, Drogo entered kneeling by her side, laying a large hand on their babe.
"A son, my khal, a future khal of all khals, the Khal of the grass and sky. Take him, tell our people of our son." The dosh Kaleen took him and wrapped him in a blanket. Drogo carefully took his son, with a quick kiss to her head he exited the temple. The khalasar had gathered around.
"The great Stallion has blessed me with a SON! RHEAGO! A future Khal of the GRASS AND SKY!" Everyone cheered Dani could hear them as she laid inside as they chanted her son's name. Her nephew could have the seven kingdoms. They had the west and her son would have the east. A king in his own right with his own loyal people.
The celebration for Rheago's birth lasted seven days. Only to start up again when the dragon eggs hatched. A full month the Khalasar celebrated the dragon's arrival. The biggest seemed to prefer her, while the white one preferred her son. The third a deep golden color, seemed to be waiting for its rider. However she still named them. Baegon, Zhavorsa and Sunshine. It had been suggested by one of the children, as its scales were as bright as the sun.
The days were filled with travel. And celebrations. The Khalasar was a happy place to live. And when Rheago was old enough to ride and fight the whole of Essos would be theirs.

The reach

Sansa was over joyed to be traveling. She loved being on the road meeting new lords and ladies. There had been a few mishaps that nearly resulted in some unfortunate blunders, but she was sure her good sister would get over it eventually. It seemed every keep they visited the lords would try to get their daughters in Jon's bed, to bad for them it was Amarylis's bed too. However they were soon approaching the reach and she couldn't wait, Highgarden was supposed to have every flower in Westeros in its garden, and she couldn't wait to see them all. Both her mother and Father had told her to be on the lookout for a husband. She was the daughter of Lord Stark and she shouldn't settle for the first man who gave her gifts or honeyed words. Amaryllis however had told her, most men were pigs and if she wanted to know which ones were good, look how they treat the small folk, and others of a lower station. So far on their journey she hadn't seen a single man that peaked her interest. All she wanted was someone who was kind and would love her like her father loved her mother. She had heard of the Tyrell siblings, the oldest Willas had been injured years before, the second Garlan was a knight and already betrothed to an Applegate, the third Loras was also a knight and known to be good friends with Robert's younger brother Renley and then finally the only Daughter Margary, she was said to be beautiful, the most beautiful girl in the reach. Well that would be true until Amaryllis arrived. She giggled earning a look from Arya. No one was prettier than the Queen, except maybe Jon. She laughed again.
"Alright what's so funny?" Arya whined.
"Well I was just thinking, Lady Margary is supposed to be the most beautiful in the reach. But she won't be when we arrive. I've never seen anyone as beautiful as Amaryllis except maybe Jon." She grinned as her little sister laughed.
"How much you want to bet she find her waiting in their bed?" She wiggled her eyebrows.
"A fools bet. The real bet would be who do you think Amaryllis will marry her off to afterwards." They giggled together. The carriage came to a stop.
"Ladies Stark, we have arrived at high garden." The soldier said as he opened the door. Offering his hand they each stepped out.
"Thank you." They said together.
Exiting the carriage they stood beside Amaryllis. As was customary for them to great the lords first. She took the chance to look over the group of people infront of them. Lord Tyrell was exactly like described. Fat, with thinning hair and an odd sort of twirly mustache. It was easy to see that his children took more after their mother. Lady Alerie was a beauty, her fair skin and deep honey brown hair. A trait all of her children shared. Her blue eyes scanned over the Tyrell children. The oldest son Willas was hunched over as if in pain. He was very handsome almost as handsome as Jon. The next Garlan looked strong much like the swordsman from Winterfell but it was clean he favored his father in everything but his hair and eyes. The next son would be Loras. He was indeed very pretty, his hair was curled perfectly and he had an air about him, one that she didn't like very much. The way he carried himself was much the same way Theon did. The last was Margary now she was a beautiful lady, but she truly did not compare to the king and queen. something about her was dull compared to the silky raven hair of the queen. But she could see a hunger in the other girls eyes. Now only time would tell just how much trouble she would be.
The last person standing beside Margary was who she could only assume to be Olenna Tyrell, the queen of thorns. She was supposed to be vicious and cunning, with a tongue that was sharper than iron.
One thing Sansa knew was that their time in the reach would be very entertaining.

Thank you everyone for waiting patiently. I am so sorry it's taken me this long. My father n law passed away recently and it's hit us hard. I've been lacking any and all inspiration and I just..I am sorry. I was closer to him than my own father. I will finish this story. That I promise. Anyways I hope everyone likes this chapter! Sorry it's not longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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