Here be dragons

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Eddard Stark sat on his balcony looking out over the Red Keep. His newest guards had arrived less the a fort night ago and he had never felt so safe in the south before. Even when Robert had first become king, the warm air gave him a sour feeling in his stomach. He hated being here, the place his brother and father were killed, it hurt him that one had lost most of his family so quickly. He never really had time to mourn form his father, or Brandon, then suddenly he was married and Lord Stark, everything had happened so fast. He then lost Lyanna and had his own son and nephew to raise. Now he was preparing for the same nephew to become King of Westeros. He spun the wine in his cup as the moon rose above the city. He sighed and toasted the heaven. "May you all Rest In Peace now."
Tomorrow was a new day and Amaryllis was coming to explore the dragon pits. Hopefully her search would be worth the trouble.

Once the sun rose Eddard was led to the future queen who had taken breakfast in the southern gardens. "Lord Stark lovely to see you! I trust my guards are keeping you safe?" She smiled brightly as he approached. This young woman reminded him greatly of his sister, at least in spirit.
"They are doing a magnificent job. We will soon be family please call me Ned." She nodded. "So what exactly are you trying to find in the dragon pits?"
She chewed a few bites of her fruit before answering. "I'm looking for dragon eggs. I am hoping that there might still be some here but hidden. The dragon fire burns hot within Jon but the coolness of the wolf evens his temper." She handed his a book. "The dragons from my world were wonderus beings but fiercely protective of their young. It is my theory that the dragon might have hidden some of the eggs away if they sensed the end of their days."
He gripped the fork in his hands tightly. "If you find any, do you believe he can control them?" His voice was just barely above a whisper.
"It is in his blood to bond to the dragons, but if he can't I can." Ned nodded. Soon breakfast was finished and he led the way to the dragon pit. While the pit was abandoned it was also the only place in kings landing were the air was fresh. Ned watch as she made her way to the middle of the pit and knelt on the ground.
As her hands dug into the earth flashes of dragons no larger then dogs surrounded a much larger one. Iron chains wrapped around the large green dragons neck and legs. The smaller ones brought food closer to the large mother and tried to get her to eat. Refusing, the female adjusted its body before drawing her last breath. Tears fell down her face as she was snapped from the vision only to see Ned kneeling infront of her.
"Those poor creatures." She sobbed as he rubbed her back.
"We won't let this happen again, but to make right the wrongs done to them we must find the eggs." Her tears reminded Ned that while this young woman was powerful, she was still only human.
She shook her head and dried her tears. "We need to get to the lower levels. I wouldn't put it past them to imprison the biggest then build around it." The two headed down with her magic lighting the way. They passed numerous amount of dragon bones but the deeper they went the larger the bones got until they were met with a chamber that seemed to be as big as the city itself.
"This is incredibly." Ned whispered his voice echoing off the walls. Amaryllis chuckled as she send orbs of light to illuminate the chamber. They didn't have to walk far before they saw a dragon skeleton that reached the ceiling. This, she knew, was the one from her vision. The chains still hung upon her bones.
"They chained her here like some common animal." She growled. Ned looked at the bones shocked at their size. "She larger then even the stories of Balerion the black." He ran an hand over the dragons skull. "She was the one you saw in your vision?" Amaryllis nodded. "What color was she?"
"Green, like my eyes." She to ran a hand over the skull.
"Impossible. Wisteria the green, was a dragon born long long ago, One of the sister wives, Visenya, favored battle more then her royal duties. Legends say she raised the dragons herself, hatched them, fed them, slept with them in the fire. Her bother/husband grew resentful of her bond with the creatures and killed her. The last dragon she hatched was Wisteria, the dragon grew a fierce reputation when it grew remarkably fast compared to the others. No one ever saw it and it's story passed into legend. It was said that the dragon wouldn't listen to any of the other Targaryens so was locked away. My grandmother's grandmother was a lady in waiting to Visenya, the green dragon was a bed time story she told us." He said in awe.
The next moments happened so quickly they didn't even register what was happening until it was over. Amaryllis had tripped over a rock and accidentally cut her hand on the dragons teeth. In a effort to catch herself she smeared her bloody hand on the dragons crest. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" She panicked and her magic spiked.
Suddenly her magic seemed to connect to the dragon. Winds began to pick up in the chamber, dust and small rocks flew around as Ned grabbed onto his future nieces arm to keep her from flying away. They had to hide their faces as a blinding light erupted from the skeleton. Once it receded a earth shattering roar resonated throughout the chamber. The two looked on in disbelieving shock as the massive form of the green dragon stood before them, chains gone and scales as clean as the day she was put in there.
'Hello humans' the voice wasn't as harsh as the roar from before. It was sweet, like a mother trying to comfort a scared child.
"Sweet Merlin you can talk!" Ned gave amaryllis a confused look as all he heard were soft growls.
"It seems you can understand me. Tell me speaker how long has it been since dragons flew the sky's?" There was sadness in her voice, but their was also hope.
"One hundred and fifty years. You will be the only dragon around unless eggs are hatched." She took a few steps closer to the gigantic dragon.
"Do the Targaryens still rule the land?" A fierce growl ripped from her throat.
"Seventeen years ago, Aerys Targaryen the second was over thrown. His reign was full of fear and death. He was named by history as the mad king as he favored to burn his enemies alive with wild fire." She had to word the next phrase correctly as to not upset the dragon. "He has one living Grandson and two living children. The grandson in the son of his oldest son, who died in battle before he could become king. None are currently on the throne. The grandson he is still unaware of his heritage."
The dragon seemed to hum in thought. "Do any of them show signs of the dragon blood?"
"That I do not know. Jon the heir to the throne has never been in a position to test his abilities." The green scaled face came close to her. Hot breath wrapped around her.
"You were the one who awakened me, you remind me of the human who hatched me. She wielded a power inside her, much like you do. If not I would not have been awakened. So you are now my bonded regardless of who else holds the dragon blood." The dragon tried you stand at her full height and bowed. "I am Wisteria the green, born from Sirabi the golden and Solomon the silver."
Ned watched as the dragon bowed to the young woman. "I am Amaryllis Gryffindor, in this world, in my last I was Amaryllis Potter, I am the mistress of death and the future Queen of Westeros." She bowed back to the large beast. "Honored Wisteria, I originally came to see if any eggs had been hidden away. Is it possible for any to still be down here?" She asked. The dragon cocked its head to the side as her eyes locked on him. "He can be trusted. This man is Eddard Stark Warden of the North and father figure to the future king." The dragon gave a puff of smoke and turned its head towards a large rock formation. The more they looked at it, it became easier to see that the formation was not natural.
"I hid any eggs I had from the other humans. Without fire they will not hatch. The humans at first brought many males to produce the eggs. When they never found my children they stopped, then I was locked away forever." She growled out as she moved one of the rounder rocks.
Amaryllis squealed in happiness. There were at least fifty dragon eggs here.
"Oh Wisteria! You are amazing!" Eggs of blue, green, bronze, and every other color under the sun layers in groups infront of her. From clutches of six to twelve. "Ned, she hid them all from the Targaryens!" She said excitedly. Suddenly a glimmering white egg drew her attention. "Can I send that on to Jon. I can feel a pull to it but the pull isn't mine." The dragon gave a confused look. "Jon the heir to the throne is my soul mate. Bound in heart and soul with magic. That egg it will bond to him. I know it." The strong jaws picked up the egg delicately and placed it in a cloth bag her bonded had produced. Wisteria growled slightly as an unknown creature appeared and took the bag away. "Wisteria, it's time you flew threw the sky's once more." With a flick of her wrist the rest of the eggs were placed in another bag to be hatched at later times. Magic seemed to pore from every part of her body as it covered both the dragon and Ned. Suddenly they were no longer in the underground chamber but in the dragon pit. They had to shield their faces as their eyes adjusted to the sun. "Wisteria will take me back home to Bravos until Westeros is ready for her to return. I will check in soon." She gave a smile to her soon to be uncle.
"Just be safe, remember at the end of the month I will be in Gryffins Watch to tell John the truth of his heritage." She gave a smile as Wisteria rose into the air.

On the other side of the continent, her disguised elf knocked on Jons door. "Come in." The elf opened the door and looked at the man his mistress was suppose to marry. He didn't look like anything special, but his actions made him loved by the people. Here he was in the library reading books to children. "A present from Mistress Amaryllis, Master Jon." He held the bag out to him. "It would be best to open it when you are alone." The black haired man nodded. He wrapped the straps of the bag across his body. Suddenly the wolf the children had been leaning against stood up and growled. Smoke could be seen from the window, one of the building in the town had caught fire.
"Stay here with the children and keep them occupied, please. Ghost Follow!" The future king ran out the dire wolf hot on his heals. As he made it to the Inn he could hear the screams of the people still inside, the bag slung over his shoulder, he rushed in the dire wolf right behind him. While the men folk tried to douse the flames everyone waited with baited breath for their young lord to leave the building. First came the wolf with multiple people slug on his back. As it tried to go back a man was pushed from the doorway just as the roof collapsed. Several people screamed out in relief as the man stood but silence fell as it wasn't Lord Snow. Women and children headed home but the men stayed to help find the hero's body.

Inside the inn Jon Snow searched through the growing smoke to find survivors. He stumbled upon several by accident and put them on Ghosts back. The final person he spotted was a large man. He helped him up and made his way to the door as the ceiling started to crack. With a shove he sent the larger man through the door as the roof fell between them. He cough and covered his face as he tried to find another exit. Everything was blocked by flames, he managed to get to a spot behind the bar that wasn't yet engulfed in the red and orange of the fire. As he slid down to the floor he cut his hand on some broken cups. He suddenly remembered the gift his soon to be wife sent him. He dug through the bag and grabbed the cool object pulling it out of the leather sack he could barely make out the white sheen it had as he held it in his hands. "I don't know ow why you sent me this, but forgive me my love, I won't be able to make our wedding." He pressed his head to the object and slowly faded to unconsciousness.

The people outside waited for hours to the fire to die down enough for a search. They could do nothing but watch as the direwolf paced infront of the shouldering building. As the sun broke the sky the wolf howled before diving into the burnt wood. They followed the beast through the ruins and to what could only be the body of Lord Snow. To their surprise. Ghost started licking the cheek and a laugh broke from the assumed dead body. Several of the mean fell to their knees at the sight. Jon Snow had survived a raging fire with not a scratch or burn upon his body. The men were further shocked as a glimmering white lizard like creature crawled upon Jon's shoulder and went face to face with the direwolf.
"By the gods. It's a dragon!" One man yelled. Everyone drew closer. To get a look at the small creature that now stood on the direwolfs head.
"What could this mean." Jon whispered to himself.
"This could only mean one thing, my lord." Everyone looked to the cities new Maester. "You are of Targaryen decent and if I'm correct Heir to the Iron throne."
Jon looked terrified at the idea of being heir to the iron throne. But not because he didn't think he would be a good king but because his love had wanted a husband without a title. "But Im just a bastard." He whispered to himself.

Merry Christmas! Or Happy Holidays! Hope everyone likes it!

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