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My feet thudded against the pavement. Hundreds of other kids swarmed around me. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I didn't have time to think. I was following orders. "Head to the South Gate! Stay together! Stay put!" My thirteen-year-old sister was clinging to my hand like she was four years old again. We were holding onto each other for dear life.

It seemed like an eternity before we received further instruction. They told us to board the buses lined along the street. There must have been at least a dozen of them. Everyone was heading to the three right in front of us. "Come on," I urged my  sister. "Let's go to that one over there." I pointed to one that was a bit farther down the street. Only a few kids had lined up in front of it.

She followed obediently, never letting go of my hand. When we reached the bus, the driver was already in his seat. He didn't even turn around to acknowledge us. We fell in line behind the other kids. No one else showed up after us, which was strange. I didn't know how many buses there were, but I would have assumed that they had only brought enough to carry the kids. There shouldn't be room for an extra twenty kids on a single bus.

When he waved his hand for us to board, we obeyed. Then he shut the door and turned around. His expression terrified me. He wore an almost maniacal smile. This can't be right, I thought, just as he began to speak.

"We aren't going to the Keys." 

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