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Hello! I just wanted to jump in and say thank you in advance for reading. Just a few things to get out of the way. Feel free to skip this and move on to the first chapter.

1) Plagiarism is punishable by law. This work is my own and any unauthorized reproduction will be handled appropriately.

2) This book contains content regarding the LGBT+ community. However, the views stated in this book may be very different from most views portrayed in YA literature.

3) This is an important trigger warning for self harm and suicidal ideation/tendencies. Though mental health is not the focus of the story, multiple main characters struggle or have struggled with these issues in their past. There are scenes described that may trigger readers who have previously experienced or are experiencing similar issues.

4) Keep everything positive in the comment sections.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy the trilogy.

~Whitney <3

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