Chapter 14: Luke

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I threw my bag onto the first full bed, flopping down beside it. "This one's taken!" I called playfully. Dawson and Kamryn shoved each other as they tried to be the first to claim the bed beside me.

"Guys, you know you can share it," Colin pointed out. "No need to split hairs here." But we all knew that they were just having fun. This was about beating the other person, not about the bed.

We had decided to split up the rooms between the boys and girls. Sierra, Liz, and Kylie were above us on the second floor, while we were down here on the third. Adam and Daniel had claimed the first set of bunkbeds, and Colin had claimed the second top bunk. There was no conflict between them whatsoever.

Finally, Kamryn, who was several inches shorter than Dawson, ducked under his arm and catapulted onto the bed. "Now I have it all to myself." He smirked. "You can take a bunkbed."

"Dawson, you can share with me. I don't care," I offered.

"Nah, I'm good," he replied.

"Good idea. He is gay after all," Daniel joked.

I took a pillow off my bed and threw it at him, laughing. "Okay, first of all, shut up. Second of all, I'm not gay. Lastly, even if I was, what the hell does that have to do with us sharing a bed? I mean, what am I gonna do, roll over and make out with him in the middle of the night?" He just rolled his eyes.

Of course, his comment poked at the still-fresh wounds that Marcus's death had left, but I tried to ignore it. It would get better eventually. I had to keep reminding myself of that. Besides, Marcus wouldn't have wanted me to mope around because that wouldn't do any good for anyone. He'd told me multiple times that I had to pull myself together for everyone else, and that he'd still be with me no matter what. I touched the gold chain still hanging around my neck. He was right.

"Guys, we have a freaking TV!" Kamryn pointed at the wall across from the beds. I looked up, realizing that there was indeed a screen hanging from the ceiling. This safehouse was definitely the nicest one I'd stayed in yet.

"Well, turn it on," Adam insisted.

Dawson took the remote off the nightstand and pointed it at the television. Of course, it was tuned to the news, and of course, they were talking about the camps. He cringed. "Do you guys actually want to watch this? It's just more of the same speculation they've been running for the past several days."

"There are other channels," I told him. He nodded, proceeding to flip through the next five or so. Surprisingly, every single one seemed to be running something about the camps. "Do they not have anything else on?"

He shrugged. "I guess not." He stopped on one that was interviewing a historian on the similarities between what remained of the disease camps and the Japanese concentration camps from World War II. I was shocked that the network was even letting the interview go on air.

"Dang, that guy's not that far off from the truth," Colin stated. "I wonder—" A knock on the door interrupted him midsentence. Kylie didn't give us a chance to answer before she burst in.

"Hey, we need to go outside. Leave your things," she instructed frantically. "Don't ask questions."

I glanced at Daniel. His eyes were wide, and I'm sure mine were too. Without a second thought, we followed Kylie up the stairs. The other guys trailed behind us.

After sprinting up two flights of stairs and nearly throwing three doors off their hinges, we were back in the lawn where we had been standing less than half an hour ago. "Everyone, in the plane." Anna waved her hands, practically pushing us into the aircraft.

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