Chapter 7

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He grabbed his mask off the floor, putting his phone back in his pocket, and walked into the kitchen to dry his mask. He put his mask back on and went back to the living room. He seen (y/n) curled up on the couch, crying. He sighed. He didn't know what to do when he cried. It wasn't a 'natural' feeling to him like it was to others. He sat next to him and pulled him onto his lap, holding him. He felt (y/n) tense up, but rested his chin on his head, hoping this would work. Soon, he calmed down and Michael sighed contently. They stayed in that position for a bit until Michael felt him move. He moved his chin and he looked up at him. "Th-Thanks..." He said looking away. Michael smiled even though he couldn't see it. For once in his life, he felt happy. But soon enough, his happy moment would be ruined by some cops.

The Woods

Dr. Loomis, (y/n)'s parents, as well as a group of cops were looking for both Michael and (y/n). The cops decided it would be best to split into several groups. They also wanted (y/n)'s parents to stay back, but they refused. The cops decided not to fight them and allow them to help. Soon enough they found a dead boys body. A pool of blood surrounded his body. A officer turned the boy over and Mrs. (l/n) gasped in horror. "Th-That's (y/n)s friend..." She almost threw up. "His name mam?" A officer asked. "It was Jake Stroonburg." She replied. "Well notify the family." He radioed for a coroner to come pick up the body. Two cops stayed back to wait while they pushed on. Soon enough, they found a cabin. "He might be in there. If he is, your son is most likely there too or he's near." Dr. Loomis said. They slowly walked up to the cabin. A officer told the three to stay behind. Dr. Loomis had other plans but the cops made sure he wouldn't interfere. A officer looked into one of the windows and looked back at the rest, nodding to them. One of them kicked in the door as they all heard a scream. Mr. (l/n) had to hold back his wife from running in to get their son.

Michael held onto (y/n) more tightly, in a protective way. "Calm down Michael. Release the boy and everything will run smoothly." One of the officers said. Michael growled at them, not wanting to lose him. Michael put (y/n) behind him and grabbed his knife from his back pocket. He stabbed the officer through the neck as (y/n) watched in horror. He still couldn't do much since his ankle needed more time to heal. The rest of the officers started to fire at Michael and he fell to the floor. Blood was everywhere.

"You'll be alright now he-" Dr. Loomis cut off the officer. "He's not dead. We have to go now. Come." He grabbed my arm. "M-My phone. He has it in his pocket. Please, I need my phone." One of the officers patted down his pockets and phone my phone. As soon as he reached for it, Michael grabbed his arm. The officer screamed until Michael gripped his throat. "Forget the phone, lets go, now!" Dr. Loomis yelled and ran, still with a hold on my arm. I had to ignore the pain in my ankle as we ran to his car. After my parents got in, he drove off. "Did Michael hurt you?" Dr. Loomis asked. "No...but I hurt my ankle running from him." "We'll get you to the hospital. I'll make sure there is security to make sure he doesn't get in." "Did you see what he did to those officers!? They'd stand no chance either!" My dad looked at me. "(y/n), this is Dr. Loomis. We work with him and Michael." "We're sorry (y/n), if we would of known what Dr. Loomis had planned for us, we wouldn't have took the job or moved here." My mom said.

"What do you mean by planned?" I asked my mom. "It's a long story..." She looked away, out the window. Soon we made it to the hospital and a nurse checked my ankle. "You'll need bed rest for a while. You shouldn't have been doing anything on it after you felt pain." She wrapped my ankle and gave me pain pills. My parents wanted me to stay at the hospital until my ankle was better. Either way, I didn't feel safe. One of the guards walked in and greeted me. "Hello (y/n), I'm Alex. I'll be watching over you for the next week or two." He smiled at me. I had to admit, he's pretty hot. He has ocean blue eyes, strong cheek bones, muscles, and short black hair. "H-Hi." I felt like I was blushing. He must of noticed because he winked at me. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

At The Hospital

Michael had soon found where Dr. Loomis had taken him. He walked up to the hospital and tilted his head, seeing two guards at the door. Michael started to walk up to them, seeing they were distracted by their phones. 'Kill them. Find him. Kill them all.' A voice kept saying in his head. He walked up behind them and snapped their necks before they had time to react. He walked into the hospital, a nurse was at the front desk. "Hello, anything I can help you with si-" She paused as she looked up, eyes widening in horror. 'Kill, kill, kill.' Michael covered her mouth before she could scream and shoved his knife into her stomach. She coughed up blood into his hand. When she died, he picked up the clipboard, eyeing it to find her name. '(y/n), room 302.' He thought and dropped the clipboard. The hospital was mostly desolate except for a few nurses and guards here and there. Walking to his room, he left a trail of blood and bodies behind him. He opened the door to find (y,n) asleep as well as a guard. He smirked, eyeing the guard. He walked over to the guard and put his hand over the guards mouth. The guard woke up and reached for his gun. Michael snapped his head backwards, leaving a small amount of skin holding his head as blood spilled out.

He went over to (y,n) and carefully picked her up, trying not to wake him. He walked back down the hallway and out the door. Michael started walking back to the cabin as she started to stir. "Hmm?" He looked down at him as he opened his eyes. "M-Michael? What are you doing? Where am I?" He grunted in response and made his way to the cabin. He learned he that he did talk, but not much so she wasn't expecting an answer. He nudged the door with his foot and took (y/n) to the bedroom. He laid him down on the bed and laid with him.

Michael Myers x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now