Chapter 11

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Moving Back to Haddonfield

It's been about four years since that incident. I never wanted to return, but I needed the money. 'At least I have my friend with me.' I thought. Kate took her car and I took my own. The movers were set to meet us at noon to get our stuff into the house. We got to the house and I unlocked it. "I got to go make another key for you unless you want to go, Kate." "I'll go, will you be ok alone?" I nodded and she left. I walked around, moving the curtains aside to let in the light. I walked to the basement and tried to turn on the light, but it wouldn't. As I was walking back up, I heard something fall, it sounded like a can. "Hello? Anyone there?" Nothing replied. "Must be a rat." I went back up and locked the basement door. I went upstairs and started moving the curtains in Kates room then mine. Luckily my office was connected to my room, so I didn't have to go far. "(y/n)?" I walked back down stairs. "Hmm?" "There you are. Here's your keys, I have mine." I took my keys from Kate. "The movers should be here soon." "Good, I'm tired of sitting on the counter." We laughed a bit. "Do you remember if the light worked to the basement or not?" "Hmm, I think she said it was short circuited and needed fixed, why?" "I went down there, but since the light didn't work, I came back up. I heard a can fall and roll when I did." "Weird, I wonder if the previous owners left anything behind. Once we get our stuff, we should take some flashlights down there. The breaker is down there too, so we'll have to get the light fixed." I nodded.

Soon, noon came and we heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see two men and a moving truck. "(y/n)(l/n)?" "Yes, that's me." "We have your stuff ready, so as long as you show us where everything goes, we can get started." I nodded them and told them where all of the furniture went. After that, the boxes were labeled and not that heavy, so I told them it would be fine if they left them in the living room and kitchen. "Alright sir, hope you have a nice day." "Same to you guys." They left and we started unpacking. "Lets find the flashlights and kitchen knives so we can go to the basement." Kate said. "The knives are most likely in a box marked kitchen and maybe the flashlights too." I replied as we walked to the kitchen. "We also have to do clothes down there. I'll have to see about an electrician coming out." I told Kate. We looked through the boxes and found two butcher knives and flashlights. Kate looked at me questioningly. "My mom had them. She never told me why. There was actually about twenty when I went through everything to pack. I gave them to people who could use them."

We walked down to the basement after making sure the flashlights worked. Looking around, I found what had rolled earlier. "I was right, it was a can. The owners must have left things down here when they moved." I told Kate. We looked on the racks, all filled with cans of food and jugs of water. "I wonder why they left all of this. The cans are still new..." I said and looked over at Kate. "I don't know, it's weird. Doesn't seemed like they left in a hurry." Kate said and we heard something fall. We aimed our flashlights to where it was, but didn't seen anything that pushed the paint can off the small desk. "This isn't a rat..." We looked at each other and left as fast as we could, locking the door. "Is there any other way into the basement?" "Not that I know of (y/n)." "We should look out back." We went out and seen there was a back door to the basement. It was slightly open. "Might have been a raccoon. Once I call the electrician, I'll board it up inside." I told Kate as we walked back in the house after shutting it. We finished unpacking and I went to my room to lay down. It was getting late and I was getting tired. I got changed, laid down, and fell asleep right away.

There, in the dark corner of his room, Michael watched. Silently, he walked up to his bed and watched as he breathed. 'Take him. Let him rest. He's mine and only mine. He needs his sleep.' His thoughts fought each other. Gently, he moved some hair out of his face and paused when he moved. Watching, hoping he wouldn't wake and he didn't. He wanted to take him home, back with him. He wondered if he should stay there any longer or leave, but he wanted to holder him. He missed holding him so much. As gently as he could, he got into bed with (y/n) and brought him close to him. Michael heard him sigh with content and fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling something heavy wrapped around me. I looked to my side and saw Michael. My heart stopped. 'Why is he here? How did he find me?' My thoughts kept racing. 'This can't be happening.' I struggled to get out of his grip. He grunted and pulled me closer. "M-Michael?" He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me with a small smile. "Um, let me go..." I looked away from him, but he didn't let go. "No...Not again.." I pushed against his arm, trying to get him to let me go. After struggling, I finally got out of his grip and off my bed. "Leave Michael. You have no reason to be here." He got off my bed and looked down at me. I couldn't tell what was going through his mind. "(y/n), I'm coming in, you better be dressed." Before I could lock the door, she came in. Kate looked up behind me at Michael. I thought she was going to scream.

"Who's the hottie?" I looked at her, then back at Michael. Michael looked confused and I didn't know what to tell her. "Earth to (y/n), who's the hottie?" I looked at Kate. 'I mean, I don't have to say his last name. Nobody has seen him without his mask, that I know of.' "This is Michael. Michael this is Kate." "Is he your boyfriend?" Kate asked me. "Yes." Michael replied before I could and I glared at him. "Kate, why don't you start breakfast. I think Michael plans to join us." She nodded and left. I turned back to Michael. "Why are you here?" It looked like he was pondering on what to say. "I..." He paused. "You haven't talked since I left, have you?" He shook his head and I sighed. "I things right..." I looked at him questioningly. "I d-didn't kill" He looked away from me. "I went to find were gone..." "Michael, if you're looking forgiveness, you shouldn't have came here. After what happened my mom became depressed and killed herself. She told me that both her and my father regretted coming here and if they would of known what Dr. Loomis wanted to do, they wouldn't have come. After what happened and I lost my mom, life became hell. If it wasn't for the fact that I need money, I wouldn't be here right now." I walked out my room and I could hear him following me. I sighed, I didn't want to have him around.

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