Chapter 15

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It was time to go back to work from my slight break. The last two days of my break became slightly rough because of Kate yelling at Michael. I didn't expect him to follow what Noah created. I walked into work and seen Josh. He became a close friend since I started working here. Not as close as Kate though. "Hey, (y/n)." "Hey, Josh. How's everything?" "It's going well, you?" "Everything is fine." "Looks like you haven't slept." "Really?" He nodded. I sighed. "Just some stuff going on at home." "Boyfriend stuff?" "Sort of, it's also my bestie." "Just suck his dick, it works for me." We both laughed. "Where's your boyfriend to keep you in check?" "Home most likely. Anyways, what's going on with them." I shook my head. "That bad you can't tell me?" "Yeah, I got to get to my shift. Talk later." I waved and walked to go do what I needed to.

Back Home

"I can't believe you Michael!" Kate yelled at Michael and he stared at her. "You want to help? Follow that damn story!" He just kept staring at her which made Kate more irritated. "How does (y/n) put up with you!? After everything you've done to him and he still let you back into his life!" Michael started to get pissed. "He should have turned you away! I can't believe how stupid (y/n) was to let you back in his life! You're nothing good for him, he deserves better!" "Take that...back." He stood up from the couch. "I don't have to take shit back when it's the truth! You couldn't do anything to change your life and become better for him!" Michael grabbed Kates throat and raised her off the floor. She clawed his arm, trying to get away. His grip kept tightening. Michael didn't bother to look at the door when it opened.

"Michael!?" He looked at me and dropped Kate. "What happened while I was at work!?" Kate coughed, trying to get air back into her lungs. Michael mumbled something and went upstairs. I sighed and helped Kate up. "What happened? He doesn't do that for no reason." She shook her head. "Kate?" "Fine...I told him the truth." She looked away. "What do you mean?" She looked at me. "He doesn't deserve you. After everything he's done to you, you deserve better. He couldn't even become something better for you." I sighed. "You've got to be kidding me." I rested my head in my hand. "You expected him to follow that story? He's not going to change and I'm fine with that. He's never going to be out of my life, he'll find me wherever I go." "But ba-" "Yes, he didn't find me there, but when I came back here he did. You started something you shouldn't have. He has anger issues and just like what happened back then, you just fueled it."

"What do you mean?" "My dad hit Michael in the back of his head with a pan. Michael killed him. The cops shot at him, they died. My best friend tried to protect me, he died. You're lucky I got back when I did." "W-What's going to happen to me?" I looked at her. "Hopefully, you'll get lucky. Don't start something again because I might not be around to help you out of it." "You're siding with that psycho!?" "I'm siding with nobody. I just rather not lose my bestie." I sighed getting up. "Get some rest, you might have a bruise when you wake up." I walked upstairs to my room. Michael was laying on the bed with his back towards the door.

"Michael?" Silence. "I know you're not sleeping." He grunted and I walked over to him. "We need to do something about your anger." He looked at me, still visibly pissed off. I sat next to him. "Say something, don't just glare at me." Michael pulled me to him and sighed. "Calming down?" "Mhm.." He nuzzled his face into my neck. "Kate told me what happened." "She called you...stupid." I laughed and he looked at me. "We call each other names a lot, don't take that to the heart. We need to find a way to control your anger, Michael." I turned so I could look at him better. "You help with that." He kissed my cheek. "Yeah, but when I'm not around, your anger escalates."

Michael kissed me. "You're not getting out of this talk." He smirked and kissed me again. "Michael, stop." I pushed his face away and he grunted. "You'll live without any kisses." He gave me sad puppy eyes. "Nope, now how to control your anger when I'm not here." He sighed, seeing he wouldn't win. "If a fight happens, you can always talk it out." He looked at me. "I'm not that...good at talking." "Mmmm, true. At least not with your anger." "Talk tomorrow." He yawned. I got up, shut the light off, and tried to sleep. I had to work and was scared something would happen again.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast and went downstairs. "Good morning Kate, Michael." "Morning." They both said. I seen the slight bruise that formed on Kates throat and sat down. "Michael? Kate?" "Yes?" Kate said. "Hm?" Michael said. "How about talking things out?" They stared at me and I sighed. "Kate, out of everyone I know, you know how to talk things out." "I have nothing to say to that psycho." "You've got to be kidding me." I got up. "You didn't finish your food." "I'm fine, I got to go." I grabbed my things and left for work. When I got there, I texted Kate.

Me: When I get home, you two have better talked shit out. You started it and need to finish it in a better way. Don't even try anything else. I don't want to come home to another fight or you dead. I got to get to work now, bye.

I didn't wait for her to respond and turned my phone off. I sighed to myself, slightly irritated. Everything was going fine until she started a stupid fight. "Hey! Boss wants to see ya." "Huh? Why?" "I don't know, she didn't say." "Alright, thanks Josh." I walked to Ms. Millers office and knocked. "Come in." I walked in and closed the door. "Ah, (y/n), please, sit." "You wanted me Ms. Miller?" "Due to, some recent decisions by the board, I need to lay people off. I'm afraid I have to let you go." "What? Bu-" "I'm sorry, but please get your things together. You'll receive your last paycheck by the end of the week. If you can, ask Terry to come see me." I nodded and left her office to find Terry. I never really talked to him, nobody did. They say he's weird, but we work in different sectors. "Uh, Terry?" "Hm?" "Ms. Miller needs to see you." He nodded and walked off.

I went to gather my things. "(y/n)?" "Hey Josh. I was laid off." "What? Why?" "Something to do with the board." "I'll miss seeing you everyday." "We can always text and hang out when you're off." I smiled and waved as I left. I turned my phone back on and went home. I walked into the house. "Guys? I'm home!" Nothing. I walked to Kates room and she wasn't there. Her bed had some blood on it. "Oh fuck, please no." I ran upstairs, nothing. I ran to the basement and seen Michael with Kate. "What the fuck Michael!?" He looked at me then Kate. She was still breathing, but unconscious. "I leave for work, get fired, and come back to this. Are you fucking kidding me!" I went over to Kate and untied her. She didn't seem to have any serious cuts, just enough to knock her out. I dragged her up the stairs and Michael followed. I laid her on the couch and got the medical kit. "What the fuck happened while I was gone!?" Michael didn't answer and walked to the kitchen with his knife. I sighed, cleaning and sewing her cuts.

Michael Myers x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें