Chapter 17

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"So, I need to find another job." I looked at Kate while I was eating. "Can I actually trust you guys to be alone?" "Yeah, I won't be home much soon anyways. I'll mainly be home during the night." "Why?" "I got promoted, so I have to work more." She said as she finished her breakfast. "I got the next few days off thanks to Michael. Maybe I can help you look for a job. I can see if my boss needs more workers." I smiled at her. "After you go back to work, I-" "Don't let what happened get to you. We'll be fine, besides it's best to look for a job now. You never know, by the time you go to look for one, there might not be any open." I looked at her. "Regardless, I don't trust you two alone." Kate sighed. "I know, but still." I shook my head. "Ok, fine. When I go back to work, I'll ask my boss if he needs more workers." She walked to the living room and I looked to my side to see Michael was gone. I went to join Kate and we watched some movies. "Oh yeah, my friend Taylor is throwing a Halloween party this weekend. I'm allowed to bring guests so would y-" "I'm sorry, but no." "Come on (y/n)! You can't let the past get to you." I side glanced her. "You plan to go knowing that Michael is going to be out killing?" "Yes, I'm not letting my friends get hurt if anything happens, plus I want to have a good night." I sighed.

"I'll come too. I have to make sure he doesn't kill you." Kate smiled at me and I felt Michael sit down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me onto his lap. "You two are disgusting." I laughed. "You love us...Well me." I looked at her and smiled. "Oh, what time do I have to be ready." "About 10 'o clock Saturday night." I nodded. "For?" I looked up at Michael. I'm going with her to her friends Halloween party." Michael grunted and rested his chin on my head. "So? No killing anyone at the party?" He grunted again. "Michael?" "Fine..." He sighed. "See, now you can have fun." Kate smiled and we went back to watching the movie. I heard a light snore. "Seems the movie bored Michael to sleep." "I like him better when he sleeps." We laughed. "Agreed, he's not so annoying." "Shut up." I looked up to see Michael awake and he kissed my forehead. "Disgusting." Kate said and made gagging sounds. We laughed and went back to watching the movie.

Lunch came and we decided to head out. "Are you going to be fine without me here?" I asked Michael jokingly. "Mhm." I flicked his forehead and he looked at me questioningly. I smiled like an idiot and left. "First things first. Lets go to the mall and shop!" Kate said with a smile. "We haven't gotten out of the house much due to work. "Yeah, then we can eat." We went to Spencer's, Hot Topic, and a few other stores. "You should get those heels!" Kate pointed out high heels that must have had a 10 inch heel. "Um, no. Last time I wore a heel that was almost that high off the ground, I twisted my ankle." "Oh, come on!" "No." "Fine! We need to go costume shopping though." I looked at her childish smile. Just like her, I loved Halloween. I loved the holiday all my life, but when that incident happened, I stopped celebrating it for a few years. Then I met Kate and started celebrating Halloween again, a little bit. "So, what do you plan to dress as?" She looked at me. "Hmmm, I don't know really." "Oh come on! You have to." I smiled at her. "I have you to help me." "True." After we ate, we went to a costume store.

Kate wandered off while I looked at the costumes. "Why don't you be something sexy!" I looked at her. "And risk Micha-" "Never mind!" I laughed and continued looking at the costumes. "Kate, I can go as Michael." "They made Mic- Oh my god they did." "I wonder what Michael would do." We laughed. "Yeah, I'm getting this." I looked at Kate. "Really?" "Mhm. What about you?" "Sexy cat." We paid for our costumes and went home. Michael was asleep and I smiled. Kate looked at me. "What's with the smile?" "I'm going to change." I walked to my room to change. "I can't believe you." Kate said looking at me. I smiled and put the mask on. "Michael!" I went down the stairs. "Hmm?" He looked up from laying down. "So?" He just looked at me. "Don't like?" I could tell the gears were turning in his head. I looked at Kate and she shrugged. I took the mask of and walked over to Michael. "Are you ok Michael?" He pulled me into his lap and didn't say anything. I looked up at him and saw his face was slightly red. I smiled and looked at Kate. "Should be about dinner time." "Yeah, I'll get started." She walked into the kitchen and I looked back at Michael. "You'd be a sexy killer...." He mumbled and I felt my face become red. "Funny."

He hugged me even tighter and kissed the back of my neck. "Mmm, I think I gave you unwanted fantasies." I tried to move away from him and couldn't. "Michael let go." "No." I sighed and laid back into him. He started to move his hands all over my body. "Stop getting horny, Kate's in the kitchen." He grunted. "The food is done you nasty people." We got up and went to eat. "Blame him." Kate finished eating and went to her room. "Night guys." "Night." Michael and I said in unison. We finished eating and went to our room. Michael grabbed me and kissed me. "Mmm, you've got some wild fantasies going through your head right now, don't you?" He smirked and kissed me again. "We are n-" He kept kissing me and backed me up towards the bed. "Michael we are not fucking." He started sucking on my neck and found my sweet spot. "Ahh." He pushed me down onto the bed and kept sucking on my sweet spot. "Calm your horny asses down! Let me sleep!" I heard Kate yell and Michael got off of me, grunting. I laughed and got changed. I laid back down and Michael brought me towards him.

"Might have been a bad idea to get that costume." He smirked and looked at my neck. "Go to bed Michael." He kissed me. "I love you..." I love you too." I smiled at him and hid my face in his chest, falling asleep. I soon woke up to the sounds of birds and light snoring. I smiled and rested my head back on his chest. 'I could stay like this all day.' I thought and smiled to myself. 

Michael Myers x Male Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें