Ch. 5

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•Y/N's POV:•
I walked around, noticing doll heads and bodies separated everywhere. I cringed in disgust, I looked forward and saw that there was a yellow VCR in the corner next to the garage door for trucks to exit out of.
I looked around not being able to see any possible yellow tapes anywhere, so I just excused it for now. I climbed up the metal stairs and walked along the path to another room.
It was long and thick shadows covered the walls from the moons light. I walked up to the electrical stand and saw it had different colour pattens; Red, Blue, Yellow, Green.
I looked over at the broken metal fence, seeing a blue plug, I grabbed it and placed the plug onto the blue section of the stand, it stuck in perfectly, now I just need to find three more of those plugs. I went to the edge of the broken fence and looked down, a rather large fall from here to ground floor. I looked to my right and saw the red plug that was patiently sitting at the shelf for me, I used my only blue hand to grab it and bring it to me, I placed the plug in its rightful place and jumped down, I landed in a pile of boxes below me, crushing beneath my body weight.
I stood up with a groan holding my head as I bumped my head at a corner of a box once it had folded.
"Ah shit." I swore and twisted my arm to test if it would ease the painful ache just a little bit- to which it didn't so I decided to ignore the pain.
I hopped off the boxes and looked around, disordered shelf's placed.. anywhere and everywhere followed by box's and heck was it dark. I squinted my eyes with a sigh and walked towards the shelf's, i went past the shelf's looking carefully around them and what was stored on them. I swiped my finger across the dusty shelf only to cringe in disgust and wipe it away coughing slightly.
I poked my head over a fallen over shelf and spotted the green one, my frown turned into a smile as I rushed through the tight squeeze in the shelf's and picked up the square green plug which was glowing brightly to my touch.
I looked around and spotted a yellow glow at the corner of my eye, I looked towards it and saw the yellow plug up upon a pile of box's, 3 box's above my height, I used the blue hand to reach up and grab it, bringing it down to my grasp.
Now how was I going to get back up there...
I walked back to where I had oh so terribly dropped from and turned my head towards the right, spotting a door with a single yellow and green handprint of the handle, that's right I remember now! people used that to get orders onto the truck for Deliveries!
I rushed to it and pushed open the door with a bit of struggle, it was rusty and slow.
Once it was fully opened it took me back to the place where the metal stairs had been, I glanced over at the Yellow VCR and sighed, noticing I still hadn't found the tape yet. I brushed it off my shoulder for now and raced up the stairs, and placed the plugs in their rightful spots. I felt like I was being watched but it soon went away.
The yellow hook turned on and rushed to the part where I could not reach, which was the other side of the long room. The hook grabbed a dusty glass box which held the red hand in it and bring it over to me at a fast speed-
Only to stop mid way and drop it onto the conveyor belt. I sighed and dropped down onto the box's again, except this time, I landed successfully without hurting any of my limbs.
I walked up the hand and took the glass off, I grabbed the red hand and placed it in its rightful place.. it was nice having a right hand.. never thought I'd ever say that.
I looked forward and saw a small blocked passage, and you need both the red hand and the blue hand to get through, to which I now had, I walked to it and planted the hands onto the red and blue handprints...

This is where the adventure finally begins


•If Y/N was in Poppy Playtime•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon