Bam! Author's Note Coming At Ya!

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Sorry, what can I say I'm excitable!

Food for thought: Don't eat the speckled fish.

Now on to things that make sense!

The big question: can you read this book even if you are not a perky, blonde, cheerleader?

Return question: can a perky, blonde cheerleader read a book about a bookworm?

Think about that! 😏 I got them gears turning, didn't I?

Cause here's the thing...

There are two sides to every story...unless it's multiple POVs than it's more... But that's not my point! There's two sides to every story.

Many a times as we readers meander down the paths of Teen Fiction stories, searching for the special one that will tickle our fancy, the one that shall be our companion for a time, we find books with only one half of the story told.

Yes, I speak of this side: The Rebel, The Outsider, The Bookworm, The Shy Girl...

Okay! I know that that can seem like it's more than ONE side but you know what I mean. The Yin to the Bad Boy's Yang. Wow! Does that sound weird?

Gosh! This is all coming out wibbly wobbly timey whimey!

Bleh! This is what I mean!

Usually we read about the Unseen Girl vs the Mean Popular girl.

There, now you get it. (I don't care if you don't, I can't explain it any better okay 🙈)

Yet that's only one side of the story, isn't it?

(A side, that, yes I've written before. Many times)

The other side is the mean, popular (usually a cheerleader) girl.

But no one is ever just a stereotype. A mean girl is a cliché that Teen Fiction (and sadly I admit, I) have created and perpetrated.

So like the weird, odd, quirky, adorable, devilishly clever, sometimes evil author that I am I have decided to write the cheerleader's side of the story.

That's right Ducky! Buckle up because this story is going to flip you on your head.

Flip because I'm flipping to the other side...get it? 😁

Whatever! You get it.

So don't bail on me just because you think you won't be able to enjoy this book because you don't look like or part take of the main character's pass times.

(Oh jeez that took such a long breath!)

I'm hoping that you'll enjoy it for what it is!

Side notes: if you don't know me and this author's note hasn't convinced you that I'm extremely odd then let me tell you now: I AM EXTREMELY ODD!

That means my author's notes will be as well. If you don't like that then skip, hop, leap, float, or scroll past (passed,I don't know which) them.

Correct my spelling and you'll get a thank you and a gold star! You smart cookie, you! ⭐️🍪

(Just make sure to add a smiley face to the end of the correction so I don't get anxiety wondering if the whole world thinks I'm idiot)

Memes were a hit in the last two books so I'll be sticking with posting one at the end of each chapter. (Or something as funny)

If you made it through this author's note and you're still alive then my hats off to you! 🎩🧢👒🎓🪖⛑ (I come prepared)

And here's a meme for your valiant efforts!

And here's a meme for your valiant efforts!

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