Chapter 9 - "Let's get this party started!"

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Courtney laid on the floor of her closet, staring up at the ceiling. She had entered the closet for a reason. Well, two reasons but she didn't want to think about the second one. No, the only reason she was here was to choose an outfit for the party.

The stupid celebration party to celebrate her being Senior Class President because everyone wanted to celebrate something worth celebrating even if she didn't think it was worth celebrating. Celebrate celebrate celebrate.

Courtney lifted her phone again.

I saw you left early. Are you okay?

The message had come in the previous night, right about the time the game was finished and Lynn was able to get to her phone. Courtney had woken up to the message and hadn't figured out how to give an answer that didn't make her sound and feel pathetic.

Two kids decided to pick
a fight with my ankle.
I think they show promise for wrestling careers.

Courtney started to lower her phone when it pinged.

Is it okay?

I now have a bionic ankle and foot, which I got in a classy cherry red color.
The squad looked good last night.

It's a good squad this year.

Courtney let out a slow breathe. One more week. One more week and she'd be back with the squad.

Will I see you to at the party?

Can't. My dad wants me home this weekend
Look I want to apologize for being a terrible friend. I should have said this right away
Congrats on the win Cory
I'm sorry I won't be able to celebrate with you tonight

Thanks. And it was a shock. I get it.

Yeah it was but that doesn't change that you supported me and I should have supported you. I'm really sorry.
I hope you have fun tonight. ❤️

Courtney dropped her hand and went back to staring at the ceiling. She let out another breath, this time relieved. Lynn was talking to her. She apologized. Maybe it wasn't all lost after all.

"Hey Sunshine, why are you laying on the floor?" Heather asked, coming into the closet.

Oh you know, because I can't stand the sight of all the cheer trophies in my room making fun of my bum ankle and how I can't even do a simple walkover at the moment.

"Outfit for the party," Courtney said.

"Is that why Sara is here on a Saturday? Is she helping you set up?"

Yes, because I'm lame and also I can't walk. Ha! Made a joke.

"Yeah, she's just here to lay out the snacks and stuff. Then she's off."

"A party should be fun."

If you say so, right now I'm contemplating never coming out of this closet. She'd cancel if she could but this close no one would pay attention and still show up. High schoolers were such considerate people.

"How's your ankle doing?"

Better than last night when I broke down in Miguel's car. At least she has blackmail on him so that story is under wraps. He never should have thought he could be a breakdancer. Still, his humiliation was her gain.

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