Micah's Closet

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I apologize, not a continuation of the story. Only chapter 5 from Micah's POV

Please read the author's note in the next chapter to know what's going on.


Micah felt stupid. He rarely felt stupid in life. Though at times in class when called on and he couldn't answer fast enough then he did feel like the dumbest person in existence. But those moments were rare. Right then, he did feel stupid. He felt stupid because he couldn't stop smiling. And smiling simply because Max had smiled at him and laughed at something he'd said earlier that day.

But maybe feeling stupid for smiling wasn't the worst thing in the world. Besides, no one was around him, the school had emptied ten minutes before and it was him, a parking lot, and...

And a girl laying on a bench.

A girl he knew on a bench.

Though he didn't know if he could say 'knew her' with complete certainty. The more he interacted with Courtney Hart the more he felt like he didn't know her at all despite knowing of her for a long time.

Micah wavered between the parking lot and the curb. She was laying on a bench. Was she waiting for someone? Maybe she was? He didn't think she could drive with her ankle. But something about her posture made Micah take a step closer to her.

But who was he to check in on her? This was Courtney Hart. Yes, they'd interacted in the golf course cafe. Yes, she'd said she'd help him. But that didn't mean they were friends. It didn't even mean he had the right to approach her. Or did it?

Micah internally swore. He wished he was Denzel. Denzel would have walked up to her right as he saw her and said something to help. Well, Micah wasn't Denzel but maybe he could ask if she was okay. That was okay, right?

Moving cautiously, Micah approached Courtney on the bench.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

She looked... He didn't know exactly how she looked. Simply that she didn't look like the vibrant girl that seemed to draw attention whenever she went. She seemed... Normal.

"I don't have a ride home," Courtney said.

Micah relaxed. That at least was an easy solution. He could do this. He could help.

"I can give you one."

"All my problems are solved then."

Courtney said it so causally Micah almost believed that was her main problem but something about it didn't ring true. But he wasn't going to comment, it wasn't his place.

When Courtney sat up, Micah grabbed her crutches and handed them to her.

As they drove, he periodically glanced at her. Courtney Hart sat in his car. Yes, he'd already given her a ride home before but still, it felt foreign. On top of that, she was someone who'd helped him earlier by complimenting his shirt. A tactic that had Max responding as well. Why was this girl completely baffling to him? It wasn't that most girls weren't a complete mystery to him, they were but... There was something about Courtney that felt more...

He didn't even know what the word for it was.

Courtney met his glance and raised her eyebrows. Micah felt his face warm realizing he'd been glancing over a lot. Say something, you idiot!

"After you left," Micah said. "Max said...well she said my shirt did look good on me."

"Yay! One point for love!" Courtney said. She threw her arms out and Micah could almost picture the pompoms in her hands. "Did she go on to confess her love to you?"

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