Chapter 19

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"Hey y/n it seems your secret admirer is not happy about your date." Sirius says as he had already opened the gift

"I wonder how they found out." You say looking and reading the letter

Basically saying don't go on a date with him go on one with me

You just roll your eyes and look at the necklace and put it on

"Wear the necklace your secret admirer gave you on your date with another guy? Wow." Sirius says and you sigh

"It'll look cute with my outfit." You say and Sirius rolls his eyes

"Yeah whatever, you kids go crazy don't get pregnant make sure he brings you home at your curfew." Sirius says and you roll your eyes at him

"Yeah whatever dad." You say and Sirius laughs

You just get ready to leave trying to ignore Sirius


Arceus brought you to his house for the date

Which you stopped shocked at the giant manor

"What?" He asks and you just smile

"You need all that house when you live alone?" You say and he smiles

"I inherited it from my father, hopefully I get to share this with my future wife." He says winking at you and you just smile politely

You walk in with him and he brought you to the living room and you sat down

And he got a house elf to get drinks for you both

You both just talked when he says he remembers you from Hogwarts

"You do?" You say and he nods

"Yes you always hung around what did they call themselves? Murders? Or something." He says and you chuckle

"The Marauders." You say and he nods

"Yes and Sirius black was quite protective of you, he's your ex isn't he?" Arceus says and you laugh

"Oh god no, he's like a brother to me, he calls me his foster sister I'm never dating him ew." You say and he nods

"Oh I thought you both were dating." He says and then you think was he your secret admirer?

"Are you the secret admirer I had? Or we'll have again." You say and Arceus's eyes widen in shock at have again, but he shakes his head

"No I'm not but I know—" Arceus stops as he jumps when he sees Lucius walk-in

"Arceus good your home." Lucius says and oh no they're friends

"Ah Lucius hey I'm uh busy." Arceus says now scared which confused you

"Beautiful necklace y/n." Lucius says not happy you're here, he told you not to go and you still did, even wear the necklace he got you but your outfit does look better with it on

"Thanks Malfoy." You say and Lucius nods as he talks to Arceus

And it seemed they are good friends oh why did it have to be Lucius, does the world hate you?

"Right professor I'll probably be seeing you next year." He says almost like he was saying hey Draco is gonna cause trouble so you'll be forced to see me

"Wait a second professor? You're a professor you teach." Arceus says and you nod

"Yes I do, at Hogwarts, I teach astronomy." You say and Arceus nods

"Woah." He says and Lucius scoffs

"What kid needs astronomy?" Lucius says and you look at him

"Clearly your son because it's his favourite class, and he takes it every year." You say and Lucius frowns at you

"Now Lucius can I help you with anything else?" Arceus asks and Lucius nods and sits right beside you getting comfortable

Which you just sat there as Lucius decided to not leave and keep talking

Eventually, you realized you had to go, Sirius would try and make dinner and probably burn down your house

"I actually have to go, I have to let my dog out and get him dinner so sorry." You say as you then apparate home 'I couldn't get away from Lucius Malfoy if I tried, he'd probably follow me into hell asking me random questions that don't matter.'

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