Chapter 50

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As the end of the year neared Lucius would sneak into your office more as Umbridge was headmistress she didn't like Lucius visiting

So even if Lucius can do what he wants. He doesn't wanna get Umbridge upset so he sneaks into your bedroom at night

Today it was the second week before may ends and June comes around with tests and the OWLS and NEWTS oh man is it had to prepare for those harder to study

But today you weren't feeling well it's been like 5 weeks since Lucius has been able to see you as he was caught up with work you haven't seen him in 5 weeks so since April 20th that was the last day he was free and now it's May 20th and still nothing from him

You guessed you may be feeling sick from the stress of planning the tests for next month

But when you ran to your attached bathroom and throw up fear creeped in

'Please not yet no, come on not yet this can't happen yet.' You think as you were scared and worried what if your pregnant? Well it makes sense 5 weeks before you started feeling sick you and Lucius would have sex mostly every night in your quarters

Now here you are sick and throwing up, what if it's morning sickness?

You and Lucius haven't even been together long enough and you were taking birth control how is this happening? How are you pregnant? Well if you are? You know birth control is not 100% effective but still it's like a 1 in 100 chance

You just sit on your bed laying there not knowing what to do as thoughts swirled through your mind

Would Lucius even want this? Would he even be happy? Does he care about you more then wanting to keep his bloodline pure? And all that crap? Will he even want the baby? You still don't even know if he's a death eater or not? What if he is? What if he kills you?

Your thoughts trailed off as you heard his voice behind you making you flinch

Which Lucius looked shocked and confused why you flinched at his touch

"Sorry you startled me." You say and Lucius kisses your forehead

"You look troubled what's wrong?" He asks and you sigh as you went over if you should tell him you might be pregnant? No it's his kid he needs to know if you think you are or not, and if your not it'll be a relief for both of you

"Lucius sit down." You say and he does confused and now worried

"Darling what is it?" He asks grabbing your hand that's near him and kissing it not knowing what next may come out of your mouth and it worried him

"Lucius I have the suspicion I might be pregnant." You say as you close your eyes shut after you say it not able to look at him and know his reaction if it's anger you don't know how you would react but it would hurt that he's angry

You hear him drop his cane as he stands up shocked and he grabbed your hand

"Darling look at me please don't shut your eyes." Lucius says as his other hand caresses your cheek and you finally open your eyes to see him...smiling? "Look if you are we'll figure it out together, but first we should confirm it right?" He says and you nod as you hug him

"I'll go to the muggle world and get a pregnancy test." You say and Lucius nods confused what you were talking about but agrees to let you go your way

He's going to have to get used to the muggle way of life as a muggleborn may be having his child soon and they will be growing up in both ways of life

'I can't let them hurt y/n even more now if she's pregnant my child may be a half blood but they are my child and I won't let anyone hurt them or y/n, I will do anything to protect my kids and the love of my life. Speaking of kids if y/n is pregnant oh Draco seems to have gotten his wish, at least now he'll stop bugging me.'

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