Chapter 26

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You were talking to Arceus when Lucius stole you away and started dancing with you, which caused you to drop your wine glass onto the floor

"What are you doing?" You ask and Lucius looked confused

"Well Arceus kept interrupting me so I decided this will be how I can talk to you." Lucius says and you nod

"Ok what do you want?" You ask as Lucius moves his hand down to your waist as he pulled you closer to him

"Oh just wanted to make sure Draco is doing better?" Lucius asks and you shook your head

"No worse actually called me something I won't repeat he has detention for a month." You say and Lucius frowns realizing what Draco called you

He told Draco to not go hard on you, call you any mean names but maybe it could work out for him

"I'm sorry he called you that." Lucius says and you were shocked he said sorry? He knows the word?

"Ok now can you stop touching me it's annoying." You say and Lucius smirks and pulls you away when no one noticed and pulled you into a quiet area in the hall

|Written by Lilith most of you know what that mean when it says it's written by me, cuz the author is a wholesome asexual bean must protect|

Lucius had pinned you to the wall which you didn't know what to do

"Why don't you stop acting like a brat?" Lucius says and the alcohol was starting to get to you

"Maybe I wouldn't be one if you didn't kill my parents." You say and Lucius frowns

"Why don't you shut your pretty mouth up before I force you." Lucius says and you smirk

"Try I dare you." You say and you didn't expect what happened next Lucius smashed his mouth on yours, his hands slipped down onto your waist as he pulled your closer

You should have pulled away but you didn't and kissed him back

You both stood in that hallway for 2 minutes just snogging until he picked you up

"We're leaving right now." Lucius says as he pulled away and then carefully walked as he kept his mouth somewhere on you, your neck or something

You didn't know what was going on

And somehow you were placed onto a bed and Lucius crawls on top of you and starts kissing your neck and sucking on it as he runs his hands over your body

'She's softer then I imagine, and her lips they taste so good, I need to taste everywhere on her she tastes so Devine from just her lips.' Lucius thinks as he was hoping this isn't another of his dreams he hopes this is reality and you truly are here and under him and looking oh so needy for him

You should have stopped this but you really didn't want to right now

Lucius takes your dress off he wanted to take his time, but he was also really impatient

"I want you so badly y/n." Lucius says and you let out a soft moan which Lucius stopped "Do that again." He says as he takes your undergarments off and throws them away not caring where they end up

Lucius hurriedly took off all his clothes just wanting you already, he didn't care if this will be the only time, one time is enough for him

You take a look around your surroundings and guess your in Lucius's room it being all big and fancy and all

Lucius was attacking your neck as he slowly rubbed your clit

"I can't hold back anymore." Lucius says and what he was saying kept confusing you

Lucius mouth left your neck alone now and started attending to your breasts

"So perfect." Lucius says and you just let Lucius do whatever you wanted him right now that's all you knew "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll come crawling back to me, oh I should also fuck that disrespectful attitude out of you." Lucius says which you whimper at his words

"Please just fuck me already." You say moaning as Lucius sucks on your breasts and Lucius smirks

"Professor where's that attitude you usually have when did you become a desperate little slut huh?" Lucius says and you tried answering him but he out more pressure onto your clit making you moan and buck your hips "Yes that's the answer I want, your just a horny little slut who needs someone like me to care for them, don't worry I'm here now." Lucius says and you couldn't handle this teasing anymore you wanted him so badly

"Please." You say and Lucius couldn't stop his smirk

"Say what you are and maybe I'll give it to you." He says and you look at him as he licks your clit making you moan "A moan isn't the answer I want, say what you are, I can already tell by your actions but I wanna hear your words you slut." Lucius says and you grip onto him as he gives you another lick making you moan again

"I'm an independent bad bitch." You say then you feel a slap on your clit making you gasp shocked, as well as making your mind go blank for a second

"No not what you are, I think Lucius Malfoys property is also acceptable or dirty little slut. Or Lucius's dirty little slut of a muggleborn, or mine." Lucius says and you just stared at him mouth wide and Lucius closes it as he smirks "Now tell me what you are?" Lucius says and you whimper you wanted him so badly 

"Yours now please." You say and Lucius smirks

"Such a little slut I love it and you." Lucius says as he thrusts into you and you moan as you grip onto Lucius's long hair "Fuck you feel so good around me, your perfect." Lucius says as he thought how after years of being in love with you, he's here with you fucking you dumb where all you could do was moan his name 'I love her so much, and having her sweet taste in my mouth, hearing her moans I am going crazy for her, I wanna see her so pretty and dumb and be the one making her so sweaty and dumb.'

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