Chapter 34

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Since summer was coming around soon Lucius was talking to you about you coming to his place and staying their sometimes

"Well I do got padfoot to take care of." You say knowing you can't leave Sirius alone he's staying at your house for you

"Bring him when you stay over." Lucius says and you shrug

"I'll think it over." You say knowing that meant I'll ask Sirius how he feels then get back to you

"Ok just I want my girlfriend over as much as possible." Lucius says and you looked confused you both were dating? This wasn't just you both having sex? "And why do you look surprised?" Lucius asks now confused why you were confused

"Well you never asked me or anything so I didn't know we were together." You say and Lucius looked shocked now

"I don't hook up with people I'm not dating or with, you see y/n I'm saying we're together so we are it's on my terms ok?" Lucius says and you just shrug you don't get him like its on his terms? What about your terms? Well whatever you both are gonna have to talk about that one day

"Ok guess I'm your girlfriend didn't know that but ok." You say and Lucius just kisses you and you kiss him back

"I've never had this problem before I just hook up with someone and they instantly know we're together but not you Huh interesting," Lucius says and was that his way in asking you out? By hooking up with you at the party? Or was it when you finally accepted him and started hooking up with him regularly

"Because where I come from you have to ask the person and they have to consent to being with you." You say and Lucius looked shocked

"Is this a muggle thing?" He asks and you laugh

"I hope not and I hope it's a thing everyone does, like how would you like it if some random woman came up to you and said we're together now you have no choice." You say and Lucius shrugs

"Well is she hot?" Lucius asks and you sigh

"Ok yeah, we're not talking about this anymore." You say as you sit down at your desk and roll your eyes at him

'I don't get y/n how did she not know we were together like that's so obvious.'

The One I Used to LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora