Chapter 56

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It's been 3 weeks and you moved in with Narcissa

Today you decided to write to Lucius and hope they give him it

Sirius said he should as he got yours just you can't write back 

So you wrote to him telling him everything that's going on lately and what's your doing, where you are and everything how you feel

Just everything you wanted to tell him

You sprayed the paper with your perfume he said he loved when you wore so he had something of you

You then put it in an envelope and seal it you then set it on the desk in the room as you needed to lay down

You couldn't still process everything it was like you weren't even in your body anymore you didn't know what to think anymore

You just left so lost right now

A house elf came in and asked if you want them to take the letter

"Oh sure." You say so tired this stress isn't good for you or the baby it just makes everything worse

So you just try and ignore the stress which isn't helpful as it's hard to ignore it

'I hate this I wish this wasn't reality and I'd wake up and everything was normal, but it is reality and I can't change it.'

|Lucius's Pov|

I was sitting in my cell just so scared and sad, it's felt like months when I know it's only been like 4 weeks

But today someone walks over with a letter and throws it into the cell

I immediately start crying when I see y/ns hand writing

I was scared and nervous but happy seeing it

I start to read and I smile realizing it's not her breaking up with me or hating me

Dear Lucius,

Padfoot told me I may be able to get a letter to you, so here's me trying I hope it reaches you. It may take a week for it to arrive as it's a long process I've heard, but I hope it reached you. I love you Lucius and I know you only did this to protect me, but you should have told me, so I wouldn't find out from Harry after you got arrested. I don't want to raise our child alone Lucius I don't know if I can, well I have Padfoot, and right now I'm staying with Draco and Narcissa. But, still I would like it if you were here with me. I just feel so lost now. I hope your not locked up for long but I know it's probably forever. And it breaks my heart knowing our child will never meet you

Know I will always love you

Please come home


I read it over and over smelling her perfume and the scent made me able to forget I was here and pretend I was in my bedroom with her in my arms 

I just felt so happy pretending she's beside me

I don't wanna miss my child growing up, I can't handle this I just wanna be with her and my unborn child still

'I'm happy Narcissa is there for her and she has Sirius, but still I wish I was there for her, I hate this so much I wish I wasn't here I wish I never listened to him I wish I stayed with y/n that day and never went home and went when he called me, I thought I was protecting her. But now I may miss my child growing up.'

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