Chapter 10 Remembering

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Kyle threw his hand out, waving Diante off as he kept being poked repeatedly. He hated being woken up. The poking didn't stop though, and he groaned, annoyed and sleepy as he raised up, opening his eyes and he tensed as he stared back at not Diante but an elderly woman. She stared at him like he was hurt or an abandoned baby on her stairs.

He looked down at himself, only his shirt missing which explained why he felt so bare. The woman held out a burgundy shirt and he gave her a look before he took it softly. "Thank you" he said, and she nodded as he stood up, throwing it on. The shirt was a little bigger than him, but it would suffice.

He looked around, confused. "I'm sorry, but could you tell me where I am?" He scratched his neck.

"Not too far from the neighborhood. Do you live nearby? Should I call someone you're hurt" she said, gesturing to his hands that bore dried blood on them.

"No. No thank you. Uh...thank you for the shirt" he said, and she waved at him as he turned around and began running.


Marcos rubbed Jordan's shoulder, his arm around her for comfort as she spoke to the cops about the incident last night. It definitely wasn't her idea to, she didn't want to say anything, but Jasmine pushed her to. The only thing they could do was enforce a curfew, they said. Until the wolf was cached, that's all they could do. "No, it wasn't a wolf," Jordan said.

"No? Well by your description ma'am, we're pretty -"

"No" She stopped him.

"I mean sure. It looked like a wolf, but it couldn't have been. It was too big, what kind of wolf could be big enough to jump on the hood of my car. You saw the dent in my roof. It's too big. It's not- it couldn't-"

"Jordan" Marcos whispered, kissing her forehead.

"C'mon. That's enough for today" he said, and he led her away from the police cars and people, Jasmine following after them.

A white Mercedes pulled in next to the house and Jordan turned around, waiting to see who would pop out. When Jonathan stuck his head out, she ran out of Marcos arms, into Jonathan's and not once did she care if he hugged her back because of an act. She didn't care. He was alive, he was well, and he was there.

Kyle slowed his walk as he saw a police car leaving Jordan's house. Instantly her quick and loud breathing flew through his ears showing she was afraid, worried or even panicked of something. Suddenly, Kyle was pushed hard to the ground, and he got up growling until he saw Casey and Diante.

"He's not trying to fight you" She quickly said, and Kyle halted, shifting weirdly. He looked up to meet Diante's eyes, and he definitely wasn't angry. Something was wrong. "You need to see this" Casey said.

Jonathan handed Jordan a glass cup of water and he sat down, rubbing her shoulders. It wasn't an act, her call yesterday terrified him. He didn't know what was wrong, where she was, and why he couldn't call her afterwards. She didn't pick up. He wanted to leave to check on her, but she told him to stay inside. In the past he would've told her fuck off and left anyway but the panic in her voice told him to stay.

Jasmine turned the Tv up and they heard "Reportedly 3 men were found dead."

Marcos stared at Jordan, wondering if she would react badly. He wanted to hold her, but she had her brother.

Gangsters, Jordan thought. Gangsters is what the woman, the reporter said. Three gangsters were found dead on the corner of the gas station, right behind it. One was able to get away, but not without major injuries.

Jordan sat the cup down as she leaned forward, wanting to hear what the man had to say.

"It was no wolf I've seen before" Everyone in the room eyes widened, Jordan saying the same not too long ago.

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now