Chapter 19 Bloody Woods

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Kyle leaned against the tree casually with his hands in his pockets as he heard the arrow hit the target once more followed by a frustrated groan from Jordan.

It's been like this for a few hours. Repeatedly she gets close every time, but still gets angry. He couldn't help but be amused and chuckle. He threw another fruit snack in his mouth, watching her throw down the bow.

"I am so done!" She yelled. She stomped over to the bench, grabbing a soda and he followed, sitting next to her.

"This is the umpteenth time you said that" He chuckled, throwing his arm around her and she instantly leaned into his body.

"You're not trying because you feel like you already suck baby" Her eyes lifted to his causing him to smirk.

" You are my baby aren't you?"

" You know I am but I haven't practiced in years Kyle." She huffed, putting a straw in her soda. It was chilly out and she didn't want to put her lips on the cold metal. He chuckled only because he wouldn't be able to understand anymore. Nothing was cold to him.

" Practice now" He kissed her shoulder then her neck, up her cheek and jaw making her giggle and she turned her head slightly to kiss him.

" I just...I used to love it because you were with me"

" I'm here now" His eyes softened and she melted in his arms.

" It's different," She sighed. She couldn't explain what she didn't know.

He only smirked, kissing her forehead. He got up, grabbing her bow. It felt light and delicate in his hands. Too fragile, but it felt different to her. He grabbed her hand and she groaned as he pulled her back to her position and handed her the bow.

Winking at her slyly, he walked near the tree and positioned himself under the target.

"You're joking right?" She giggled and he looked up at the target and back at her.

"Not in the slightest"

Diante and Casey stood by side as they walked deeper into the woods where they would meet Christan again

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Diante and Casey stood by side as they walked deeper into the woods where they would meet Christan again. Casey rolled her eyes, feeling the same thing Diante did. "You can come out now, I can feel you" He said.

They heard the footsteps, the crunching of leaves and Christan walked out from the darkness of the woods and Marcos followed. Growling Diante grew angry and he stomped up on Marcos and pushed him hard.

"You tried to take my brother"

He took another step and Christan stood in front of Marcos. "He was under Alpha's orders. Besides Kyle, or I dare say his wolf got his revenge. Now tell me, why did you call me out here?"

Diante stared at Marcos, dust his clothes off and stood up. So greatly he wanted to hurt him but that's not what he came for. "I ask for a deal and you disappear"

 Mystique: Ruthless Red Eyed Wolf | Book One|✓Where stories live. Discover now