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"I'm sorry what?" I asked Zaliver that early morning after breakfast.

After waking up and finding Zaliver just staring at me that morning, I showered and dressed in another one of his outfits, to his great pleasure for some reason. After heading down stairs and eating ,Zaliver suddenly chose to tell me what we would be ding first today.

Going to the doctor.

Zaliver stared at me blankly as if he hadn't told me I was going to get tested. Like some animal.

"Um, I'm sorry. I think I heard you wrong, could you repeat yourself?" I asked politely, eyes steady on him and warning him to chose his words wisely.

"Fine. We're going to the doctor to get your blood tested."

"For what?" I asked incredulously.

Did he think we have an STD or something? My wolf growled offended.

He cleared his throat and looked out the window, there are a lot of people moving around the house but they pay us no attention, but I had a feeling that it wasn't by choice. As they passed by they tried to slow down but it seemed as if their feet then forced them out, like a certain command from a certain someone.

"I just want to check on your health and some other things." He stated, my forehead creased in confusion.

He wanted to cheek on my health? For what?

I smiled inwardly but then frowned and narrowed my eyes at him.

" Are you saying there's something wrong with my health?" I asked him. His head snapped over to mine a careful look on his face. Blue eyes startling me for a moment by their vivid blueness. I don't think I'd ever get use to seeing them. But it wouldn't get him out of this mess because what I was really asked was something completely different.

In other words, are you calling me fat?

"Oh no. I've seen females lay this trap out on their mates, I'm not falling for this. Come on, get up." I let out a small laugh but stood up, shrugging off his response. He said it with an edge in his voice.

"Alright, fine."I said begrudgingly, still not sure what to make by this. I went to reach for my plate but Zaliver had beat me to it and put the plates in the sink and was back in a blink of an eye.

"Umm, thanks." He nodded at me.

I followed him out of the house and was surprised when he walked around to what must have been the back. When I first got out of the house, I realized it wasn't a house at all but large mansion, that with personal experience, had underground floors. It was very while house style yet it had some color to it, parts of the walls seemed to be wood then brick and then blend into a smooth looking material.

"Where are you going?" I asked following him to the back, I saw a large flat building with two wide doors. We must be going to a garage then.

"I could get us to the doctor faster, but I figured you'd like to see the way rather than just appear at his door." He spoke looking forward.

I watched him walk in front of me, every step he took made his scrumptious rump look even more grabbable. I had to fist my hands and cross them over my chest. He was sex on legs this one, in the morning after his shower he had walked out ,towel barely wrapped around his hips. Water drops slowly made their way down to his abdomen and then suddenly disappeared behind that darn towel.

I think that for those few minutes I was in heaven, and then I looked back up to see a wicked smirk on his face before I flamed up.

Today he was wearing all black like before, but this time he added a black leather jacket to his Damon Salvatore look. It made him look like the badass he was. That made me think in a different direction.

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