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Vivian Grey

My lunging was just in time, with adrenaline pumping in my body I ducked Zaliver's swiping claws and lifted my foot out, kicking him straight in the crotch, his angered face morphing into one of pain and surprise,but I didn't care. I turned around quickly and dropped to my knees, ignoring the sting and wrapped my arms around my snarling father's wolf build and with surprising strength threw his body a few feet away.

Anger and annoyance at both of them, mostly one of them, pumping through me, I was ready for anything. I stood up and faced both of them, my chest heaving, claws extended as I snarled at both of them for their actions.

I was far from panicked anymore, now I was livid. And I wasn't the only one, something strong and beastly inside of me was fueling my anger and strength, my wolf was even upset.

How dare Zaliver think it was okay to just fight my dad to the death!? I was getting tired of following him left and right, my anger from before flared back up making me realize that with a few words, kisses here and there he'd calmed me down. Not now. Now, he had crossed a line.

And as for my dad, I understood his thinking and all but he should have just let me explained instead of assuming. I was just annoyed at him mostly.

Zaliver was on the ground cupping his crotch with a pained yet angered expression as if he couldn't believe I had just done that. I didn't even feel guilty or an inch of worry, he was going to get that and more. My dad was getting back up and charging to Zaliver again who was doing nothing but glaring up at me through narrowed blue eyes.

Quickly calculating that my dad was still under Zaliver's direct command to 'fight until the death' and was either unwillingly following it or not I didn't care. I was Zaliver's mate, I was his equal and it was time I began accepting that as well as we showing it.

Instead of fighting or pushing the pulsing energy that coursed through my body I embraced it.

"Sit and stay." Turning to my dad, my eyes flashed again, I calmly ordered my dad in a cold voice, I didn't have to yell the order or say it in Latin for him to suddenly stop and stay mid-run to Zaliver. He froze on command and shifted back, my command overcoming Zalivers.

My mom ran to my dad and checked him over, just by looking at him I could see that he had a few bruised ribs from being thrown so much but he'd heal in a few hours. Looking back at Zaliver I saw him grit his teeth and stand fluently, he clenched his hands into fists. He tried to take a step to me but I held up a finger at him.

"Stop. I've had enough of your macho shit, I will not take it anymore. This is enough Zaliver. You can't keep doing this." I snarled out at him.

"Vivian-" His expression turned bitter.

"No! I'm serious, I'm done making excuse every time you fuck up. What is it? Why do you act like this!?" I yelled out at him, my walls crumbling as I finally gave out and let go.

"You don't understand-"

"Of course I don't because you won't bloody open up to me! This won't work if you won't tell me what's going on!" I cried out, frustration eating at me. I was jumpy, my body ready to move around.

He snarled at me and I snarled back, not backing down, something dark and wild was stirring in me, hoping this would turn into a bigger fight. His blue eyes glinted dangerously and flickered over to my parents who both watched quietly, I took a step to my side, covering them from his view. He shook his head at me as if disappointed.

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