First Day of School!

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Ashe blinked harshly as they woke up from their deep slumber, softly groaning as they reached for their loud phone which was currently blasting an alarm, They decided to hit snooze and completely ignore the message saying it was their first day of Discord University, one of the top university in the world. Ashe growled as they picked up their phone and looked at the alarm message with a scowl on their tired face.


Ashe's eyes widened as they looked at the message displayed on their phone screen, then they scrambled to get dressed and ready for the first day of school. Ashe threw on a uniform that was one size too big, but fit well enough. Ashe didnt have time to eat breakfast so they grabbed a granola bar and ran out the door to their pickup truck. They immediately jumped inside and started to drive to their new school building. The second Ashe got their destination, they hopped out of their truck and bolted through the front doors of their school. Ashe quickly looked around and back down to their schedule to see where their class was and when it started. Apparently Ashe only had 2 minutes to get to the 6th floor of the building to get to their homeroom, and there were no elevators, only stairs. Ashe's eyes widened at the short amount of time they had, but they couldnt stand their with their mouth agape forever.

Ashe ran as fast as their legs could go, they probably even pushed past their limit. Ashe felt their stamina slowly fading but could not risk being late to homeroom on their very first day of this school. Ashe extended their golden brown hand towards the doorknob, but at the last second, a slightly larger and paler hand grabbed their wrist.

Ashe slowly looked up at whomever had just restained them, his uniform had inverted colors to Ashe's, It was white with purple accents instead of purple with white accents. The person had a scary and menacing glare to his face.

"No Running in the halls, even if you're late." He looked down upon Ashe, squeezing their wrist. "What the hell!? Im not la-" Ashe was about to argue, but then...

The school bell rung.

"You were saying?" The Student Council member had a cocky smirk on his face. Ashe blinked hard while slowly turning to the taller student, a forced smile stuck on their face.

"This nigga.....stopped the doorway of my class... to make me late....knowing good and damn well I had about 30 seconds to sit my black ass in the classroom." Ashe thought to themself. "Welp, That'll be a detention for..........2 weeks? Damn, and on the first day of school and all, you oughta ashamed." The Student Council memeber obviously got some sort of kick out of seeing Ashe poorly contain their rage. Ashe couldnt let this man get away with this, so they did what any rational person would do; curl their hands into fist and aim a punch directly at his temple.

The Student Council member could see this coming from a mile away, this wasnt the first time he had to deal with something like this, so obviously he ducked underneath the swing of Ashe's punch and slammed their head into the wall, making a loud thud sound echo the hallways. There was a small hole in the wall from just how hard the slam was. For a split second there, you could nearly see a glowing neon green aura coming from that student. Ashe didnt care at all though, this made them angrier and eventually the 2 began to fight in the middle of the hallways.

"Stay in your place, Freshman." The Student Council member lightly dusted themself off after that, assuming Ashe was unconscious, or atleast unwilling to fight. However they were wrong, Ashe felt adrenaline pumping through their body as they jumped back up and used all their strength to kick him in the back. The Student council member stumbled a bit and held onto a wall for support.

"How the fuck are you still standing!?" He scowled at Ashe, now very annoyed but not quite as pissed as Ashe. Ashe didn't respond at all. They stood their huffing, trying to catch their breath as they wiped their bloody nose. The Student Council member took this as a challenge, seeing someone in this school go this long without using their ability was new to them. Ashe then did a spinning back kick aiming directly at his jaw, it nearly connected but the Student Council member had grabbed their ankle and threw them into another wall. "GAH-" Ashe coughed as they felt the impact on their back and vital organs, it stung alot and Ashe felt a little dizzy from the impact because they hit the beck of their skull pretty hard.

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