Hiatus Update (#1?)

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Hi, Its me again, WitheringAshes, your fav dxd creator. I know its only been a day since I announced my hiatus, but I felt I needed to clear some things up since my last update was written in a fit of exhaustion, frustration, rage, and more synonyms to explain how drained a felt. I don't know how to write this other than in the format of an interview QnA, 1, because it's easier for me to to read and 2, its fun, and I haven't had fun writing in a long time.

When did this hatred for DxD start?

It's actually been around for a while, but got worse and worse the more I tried to shove it down. I really wanted to force myself into writing so bad that I started even writing while "under the influence" to make me not wanna rip my brains out while writing these stories, heh. If I were to pick a specific time, It'd probably be around the Kryptos arc, Maybe. The first five pages were pretty fun though.

Why did you create DxD if you hate it?

Well, I didn't hate it when I first made it, It actually started off as me writing stories about me and my friend Juno (the real person, not the rich douche) in college and then I retired that fic (its not published anywhere dont bother fucking looking) and maybe a year or two later I rewrote it including more friends of mine. It was a fun little hobby and our own mini-fandom.

How long will this hiatus last?

That's...hard to tell.

Will this hiatus be permanent?

Again, hard to tell. When I first decided to take a break, I fully intended on shutting this entire fic down, but now that I'm writing in a more healthier headspace DxD is the only thing I can think about writing. This means, atleast to me, that there's atleast a little hope that I'll continue DxD.

Why are you even taking a hiatus?

I honestly am just tired. I let DxD take over my life. I started thinking about it 24/7 and writing in it as much as possible. I even started writing in it during class which may or may not play a part in why I got kicked out of school. I needed to take a hiatus, or atleast officially announce one to take a break off of the pressure. The fucking pressure was killing me. The pressure of making the characters, the lore, the settings, the plot points, the interactions, writing it all down, it was mentally fucking killing me.

What was DxD going to be? Just in case you never finish it.

It...had alot to it. I don't wanna say too much, just in case I do really come back, but I will say DxD is a multiversal media. It contains alot of ups, downs, lefts, rights (unless you're juno, he gets no rights, idgaf if hes your baby/j), and the like. I intend on adding more pages that focus less on the outer lore aspect of each characters personal...stuff? like personalities, backgrounds, etc. If I do come back, Trust, I will add more personal pages like that. Also, I will mention that a murder mystery will be introduced in a future chapter, if i do pick this project back up.


shoulder shruuuug/lyr

Is Chip truly a pissboy?

Yes, as well as a munch. and Dickchip.

What's  the point of Kryptos?

Look closely at the twins.

WHO is Kryptos?

Someone you think you know. He's not a stranger to the reader, nor the actual cast.

I think that's about all the questions I can think of off the top of my head, but I will open to answering more questions since I feel more capable.

If DxD ever comes back however, just know it'll be back and better than ever.

Feel free to ask more and I'll reply.

Love, WitheringAshes♡

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