Punishment Time

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Ashe's feet still hurt from the night before. They danced so much...but dancing with Juno gave them enough energy to keep going. "Its just their stupid fucking radiation." Ashe muttered to themself after sitting up from their bed and rubbing the back of their neck. "Jesus christ.....this hangover's gunna kill me." Ashe groaned as they stood up and opened their bedroom drawer. They took out a bottle of 500mg pain killers and downed about 6 of them. Ashe hadn't taken pills like that in months. Ashe had put the pills back in the drawer and grabbed their uniform and walked into the bathroom, They werent even going to bother with Juno today to they didnt even check if juno was still there.

Ashe didnt lock the bathroom door because they were pretty sure they were alone anyways. Ashe quickly began to strip of the very little clothing they had on, leaving nothing but their bare birthday suit. They stepped into the shower and twisted the hot water knob. They let out a soft sigh as the hot water hit their flesh and ran down their body, caressing every curve and muscle from their neck down. Ashe didn't feel like getting their hair wet, it wasn't wash-day anyways.

The hot steam from the silver shower head  made the room much warmer and cozier, as well as fogged up the mirrors, like that one scene in "Titanish" where the two main characters made love but the view only showed how the steam fogged up the glass. The only difference was that Ashe was here alone for now. Ashe had always loved how water felt, the feeling of water against their body always made them calm and collected. They loved feeling weightless and as high as the clouds.

Ashe soon stepped out of the shower and while still naked, They began brush their teeth. They gently leaned against the bathroom sink, their arse unintentionally poking out at they had a silent staring contest with their own reflection. "Blink dammit." Ashe thought to themself as they glared at their reflection. Then Ashe's eye's began to wonder down their own body, well, it wasn't anything jaw dropping but it was fairly decent.

Ashe soon stopped checking themself out in the mirror and got dressed for in their purple and white school uniform. Ashe looked at the digital clock on their phone, they were late for breakfast. They rolled their eyes and grabbed a adíogurt, slurping it down in one gulp, then looked back at their phone. They were late for class too, again. Ashe sighed with a soft smile and began to run to class again.

"H-" Gong was about to greet Ashe, but Juno had interrupted just in the nick of time. "Late for a third time, Tray. You're getting predictable. Its unamusing." Juno crossed his arms. Ashe simply shrugged it off and sat down at their desk. That was when they noticed Mr.Bawks sitting ontop of his desk, his head hung low.

Everyone knew that meant no good.

Taiko sunk into their seat, about to go ghost mode. "Dont even think about it." Mr Bawks' clone put a hand on Taikos shoulder, causing them to take a deep breath.

"Im sure some of you already know why Im upset." Mr.Bawks spoke in a solemn tone. The class looked around to eachother, their faces full of confusion.

"What about you, Emery? Im sure you know." Mr.Bawks glared directly at Emery. Emery's blood ran cold from the pure fear they felt. Gong scoffed silently as Cora, being an empath, sensed that Emery was in trouble. "Cmon, Why dont you gasligt, gatekeep, gendervoid boss your way into my mind and see why I'm upset." Mr.Bawks  smirked deviously.

The class sat there in silence.

"Due to this little stunt, I assume a punishment is in order, yes?" Mr.Bawks chuckled before hopping off the desk and standing up proud and tall. "Everyone up right now, we're taking a little field trip to a separate part of the school." He snapped his fingers, Juno being a teachers pet of course followed every order like an obidient puppy, but when you snatch a mutts bone, someone can get hurt.

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