Time is the Best Healer

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Ashe blinked their eyes open, still heaving. Their chest going up and down with every deep and heavy breath. They still had their mask and afro covering their face, so they felt relived no one had seen their bare face. Ashe turned their head to look around the room and quickly noticed that they were still in their undergarments.

"You finally up, mushroom top?" Gong looked up from their hand-held videogame device to spare a glance over to Ashe. "No." Ashe groaned in a hoarse tone, despite being up as Gong had assumed. "Alrighty then." Gong shrugged and focused their attention back to the game in their hands.

Ashe's entire body ached in pain and agony but it was their head that hurt the most. They could hardly move a muscle. "Hey, Gong, toss me them pain killers, real quick." Ashe nodded their head in the direction of those pills. Without a second thought, Gong tossed them in Ashe's area, to which Ashe caught in their hand. Gong had their head stuck in their game again as they "took care" of Ashe. Ashe shakily twisted the cap off the bottle and poured about 7 500mg pills in their hand, then into their mouth, swallowing them dry. Ashe hated the flavour of those pills, but absolutely adored how weightless they made them feel. Ashe took a deep sigh before putting the pill bottle inside the pillowcase of the pillow in the nurse's office. Gong looked up at the clock above the door and groaned.

"Fuuuuuuck, when's my shift gunna end?..." Gong rolled their eyes then went back to playing their game. "Shift?" Ashe furrowed their brows in confusion. "Yeah, the rest of the fuck nuggets thought it'd be a good idea if we each took turns making sure your ass doesnt die." Gong spoke as nonchalant as ever. "Oh...Yall really aint have to do all that.." Ashe smiled, a slight warmth added to their concealed cheeks. "Well, it was Hina's idea, They're the one you should be thanking." Gong shrugged and widened their eyes before briskly mashing the buttons of their game. The reflection of their video game depicted a very short healthbar, most likely being Gong's due to their sudden expression of panic. "So...Are you just gunna sit here and do absolutely fucking nothing?" Ashe spoke in a hoarse tone. "Yup." Gong nodded and gently patted Ashe's bare chest, Ashe hissed in pain and Gong immediately retracted their hand. "Shit- Im sorry- Are you ok?" Gong's hand trembled as it hovered over Ashe's lightly burnt and charred flesh. "Yeah...Im alright man." Ashe tried to laugh it off, mostly to make Gong feel better about accidentally harming them. Gong simply nodded and stuck their face back into their game. The rest of their shift was  just gong occasionally asking Ashe if they were ok, but nothing too interesting.

"Yoooooo?" Michelle peeked her head into the room. "Shift over?" Gong raised their eyebrows to let Mich know she had their attention. "Yup, Now move, Emo, it's my turn to play nurse." Michelle made a shoo-ing motion with her hands, Gong stood up immediately and left. Michelle then sat down on the stool Gong was initially sitting at, then spun to take a look at Ashe. "Ouhhh.....Juno burnt the shit outta you!"  Michelle chuckled a bit. "Well no fucking shit." Ashe shook their head, it did hurt a bit to move their neck. "It hurts, huh? Does it hurt to touch?" Michelle tilted their head. "Oh no, I adore the soft feeling of my flesh burning." Ashe said in a soft tone. "....Yeah, You've definitely spent too much time with Fei." Michelle scoffed. "Fei?" Ashe furrowed their brows in confusion. "Oh yeah, that's the name Chen prefers, Emery found out by eavesdropping into their brain." Michelle spoke while spinning around in the stool. "....Privacy dont exist for Em or somethin'?" Ashe half joked. "Nope, Apparently not!" Michelle smiled.
The rest of Michelle's shift was pretty nice to be honest, Both Michelle and Ashe laughed and giggled whilst telling stories. Most of Michelle's stories involved her, Cora, Jax and maybe a few others. Ashe's stories included themselves and only friends from their past.

And Just like that, the "ash brown" haired girl Cora took the next shift.

"Ayyyyyyyyy, Cora-ra-ra-ah-ah!" Ashe said to the rhythm of 'Shitty Love' by Lady GooGoo. "Oh shut it and let me see your wounds." Cora scoffed as she sat down in the stool. ".....Cora, Im in my drawls, Can't you see my wounds already?" Ashe turned their head a bit to face Cora, though their wounds still hurt when they moved. "Whatever." Cora said as she picked up the bacterial spray and sprayed it all over Ashe's nearly nude body. "GHH-" Ashe hissed in pain and balled their fist, the spray stung alot. "Holy shit- Are you ok!?" Cora immediately stopped spraying their wounds. "Yeah yeah, Im straight, It just...stings....alot.." Ashe took a deep breath in and out. The air they were exhaling was...purple and somewhat shimmering. "...Ashe, You havent moved from that position, Can you lift your arm, fuckface?" Cora trailed her soft fingers down from Ashe's elbow and down to their hand. The two intertwined their fingers, and soon enough Cora was helping Ashe lift their own arm. "Nghhhhhhhh.." Ashe groaned, they didnt wanna alarm Cora, so they tried their damn hardest to not make any pained noises too loud. As Ashe's hand was still clinging to Cora's in the air, they turned their eye to Cora's. "It...aches..." Ashe whined beneath Cora's touches. "Holy Shit..." Cora borderline ignored Ashe's complaint as She examined the wound under the light of the nurse's office. The cuts had "healed" but they had like a thin protective sheet around them, almost like a translucent scab. Under the Light, these sparkled as if they had microglitters in it. "Oh...Yeah, That's just a skin condition I have, It kinda makes my scars look like windows into my body." Ashe's mask had a white smile plastered upon it, a smile that was simply to lighten the mood. "Oh..It..Looks pretty cool..." Cora used her other hand to gently rub the scars. "Tha-" Ashe was about to thank her, but she abruptly dropped Ashe's arm, and they accidentally hit themselves in the head. "So heal faster, idiot!!!" Cora yelled at Ashe, despite them already being weak at the moment. Ashe could already predict how the rest of Cora's shift was gonna go.

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