Chapter 46 : A little more intimate.

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Third person point of view

They finished their dinner and were walking back to their house. Elijah had his hands in his pockets and Joshua was walking swinging his hands, looking carefree. " You have any plans again ? " Elijah asked looking ahead. Joshua sighed and shook his head. " Nothing for now. I am waiting to get some information from Nick and then I want to think of what to do further ". 

Elijah nodded. Joshua glanced at Elijah who was walking while looking straight ahead. He clasped his hands behind his back feeling a little jumpy. He contemplated to ask Elijah about it from the moment he saw him, but he couldn't say it. He took a deep breath and then spoke up. " Umm... can I ask you something ? " 

He said it out loud and Elijah nodded. " Did you really have work ? " Elijah didn't quite get what Joshua meant. They moved apart to let someone walk away and moved closer again. They walked into the building. Elijah glanced at Joshua. " I didn't get you. What do you mean by that ? " Joshua rubbed his neck. 

" When you said you were going for work, was it true ? " Elijah laughed as they stood in front of the doors waiting for the elevator. " What made you think I lied ? " Elijah asked with a smile in his voice. Joshua lowered his eyes. " I am not sure, I just...... " Elijah was curious to know what made Joshua come to that conclusion. " Just ? " 

" I thought...... that you were avoiding me because of what happened the other day ". Joshua said and the doors opened. They entered the elevator and Joshua pressed the button for their floor. When the doors closed, Elijah moved closer to Joshua pinning him to the wall. " What about the other day ? " 

Elijah asked wanting to hear it from Joshua. " Ah- that- um- " Joshua was stumbling over his words and sweating. " What is it ? " Elijah continued to stare down at Joshua who was squirming under his gaze. He was definitely enjoying it. Joshua closed his eyes tightly. " The kiss ". His voice came out as a whisper. Elijah moved away with a small smile, but was still standing close. 

" I thought you were the one who was not willing to speak about it and avoiding me. Also I did have some work for real. My dad called me up asking me to come, so I couldn't reject it ". Joshua nodded. Elijah spoke again. " What about you ? " Joshua looked up at Elijah. " Did you really want to avoid me ? " Elijah asked back. Joshua looked away. 

" I don't know if I wanted to or not, but.... " The doors opened and they walked out of the elevator and to their house. Joshua opened the door and entered first. Elijah closed the door and turned around to see Joshua standing in the living room. " You didn't finish what you were saying ". Elijah could feel Joshua tense up. 

Joshua felt his palms turning sweaty. He clenched his fists on his side and forgot to take another step. He could hear Elijah walking closer to him. Elijah walked up to Joshua and back hugged him putting his hands around Joshua. He could feel Joshua's body turn stiff at his touch. He pulled him tighter onto his chest with his hands around Joshua.

He slowly slipped his hands down and put them around Joshua's waist. He found it more comfortable to hold Joshua that way. He rested his chin on Joshua's shoulder. " Relax ". Elijah said and Joshua closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He was able to calm down and his breathing turned normal. He relaxed into Elijah's body. 

" I am not sure why it happened or why I did that, but when you weren't here.... I could feel the void. Not in the house, but in me. I thought I just got accustomed to your presence, but if it is just that it shouldn't have affected me like it did. I- I don't know if I can put a name to it or guarantee you anything but one thing for sure is.... I missed you... A lot ". 

Elijah smiled hugging Joshua tighter. Joshua blushed at the intimacy, but he wasn't the least bit uncomfortable. It felt nice, warm; just like the warmth of the sun during a monsoon day. " Me too. I missed you so so so bad ". Elijah nuzzled his face in Joshua's neck. Joshua felt goose bumps all over. His heart rate was speeding up and his face has gained color. 

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