Chapter 69 : Catching some fish.

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Third person point of view

Joshua woke up feeling tired and still was even after a good shower. " Have this it will boost your energy ". Elijah served breakfast and Joshua did feel a bit better. He kissed Elijah and left for office. Elijah finished his shower and sat on the couch. He called Nicholas. " What happened ? " " I did what you said. He is trying to find you guys now. What do I do ? " 

" Tell him the details then ". " WHAT ? " Nicholas shouted in shock. Elijah picked up his chocolate milk. " Well...... it is either he comes to me or I go to him. Since I am too lazy just let him come to me ". Elijah was still calm. " What are you saying Elijah ? " Elijah explained and Nicholas was surprised. " No wonder you are Elijah ". Nicholas said after he heard it all. 

" Did you praise me ? " Nicholas rolled his eyes. " Yes dumbass ". Elijah nodded. " I am not an unfilial son anymore then ? " Nicholas scoffed. " You still are ". Elijah shook his head. " Your standards are too high ". " Duh ". Elijah chuckled. " So, get to work ? " Nicholas huffed. " Yes sir ". Elijah hung up and continued sipping his drink.

When Joshua came back home after work, they sat looking at the files. They were shocked at the way the amount was missing from the company. " What does he do with all of this ? Does he gamble or something ? " Joshua said looking at the numbers and Elijah almost said yes. He shut his mouth in the last minute without saying anything. 

" We have to keep these safe as proof. But we should find out about how this money is utilized. Did Nicholas say anything ? " Elijah nodded.  " He did get to work, but he didn't find anything. If he did he would've told us ". Joshua nodded. " I guess we will wait a little more ". Elijah nodded. Joshua looked through the files.  

" There are a few addresses on them. Ask Nicholas to trace the location ". Elijah nodded. He sent them to Nicholas and asked to trace them. " I guess this is it for now. Let's see what to do after we find these places ". Joshua said putting the files away. He gave the bag to Elijah who put it in his room.  

It didn't take long for the guy to come find them just like Elijah wanted him to. " He will be there tonight ". Nicholas said through the phone. " Uh huh ". " I prepared for everything as you asked me to. There is not going to be a single mistake ". " Done ". Elijah hung up and put his phone away. He was long prepared for this anyway.

The day ended and it turned dark. Joshua was sleeping in his room. Elijah woke up after a while and got out of bed. He walked towards Joshua's room without making any noise. He could hear Joshua's breathing. He didn't enter and left there. He walked out of the house and went to the elevator. He walked out of their building and into the opposite building. 

He went to the floor which was equal to theirs and followed the directions he got from Nicholas beforehand. He walked in to find a guy sitting on the floor and people holding guns in his direction. Everyone in the room bowed their head lightly as a greeting to Elijah as soon as they saw him enter the place. Nicholas walked up to Elijah. 

Elijah looked around. " Is everything under control ? " Nicholas nodded. " How did you do this ? " That guy asked looking at Elijah. Elijah stood with his hands in his pockets. " Sei un cretino. Non hai capito una sega ". Elijah smirked and turned around to leave. " Finish it quickly ". Nicholas nodded. Elijah left the place to go back home.

Nicholas went to look out to the streets. He then walked closer to the guy. " What is all of this ? What did he say to me ? " He sounded desperate. His life could end in the blink of an eye after all. Nicholas turned to him. " I don't think you would be happy to know that. I will tell you things that will be more useful for you ". That guy stared at Nicholas. 

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