Chapter 4: It's a demon?

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After that weird episode, I just kind of lived the short baby life I was going to have.

Honestly, why did you even reincarnate me if you were gonna reincarnate me into a baby who was going to die in the first place? Idiots.

I was too busy self-pitying and feeling bad for myself to notice what was happening to me.

By the time I realized what had happened, I was already in a greatly decorated flower basket, waiting to be taken away by a demon or something.

You might be wondering, 'What the heck, how has he already adapted?'

Guess what. You're right. I myself wasn't so sure as to how I should've dealt with this...strange situation I was in, so I did what any sane person would do and had a mental break-down, which forced me to adapt.

I looked around. I was near the opening to a dense forest. Behind the forest, I could see an enormous dark, shadowy wall, extending all the way to the sky, blocking the view of the other side of the world. It was most likely the wall separating the 'demon world' from the 'human world'.

I heard a person whisper, "My, a baby this time?"

Then another replied, "Ah, demons come in any shapes and sizes, don't they!

"It's a demon?"

"Yes! It's not a real human this time."

"You're right. The king seems to have enough courage this time to trick those devils," the person conversed back.

Starting from that one sentence, the once quiet crowd started murmuring between themselves.

It went on like this for a few minutes, but then, a loud voice practically screamed, "Everyone! Shut up and look!!"

Someone was pointing at something in the sky. Everyone turned their heads to see just what.

A huge, bat-like creature was coming at top speed, it's eyes drilling holes into mine.

My baby head and eyes can't take this.


Wait a damn minute. Why the fuck is it looking at me?

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