Chapter 28: What They're After

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"What now?" Asmodeus asked.

The space was barely big enough to fit three people, let alone four.

After having a small chat, Hade and I had decided to first go check on Asmodeus and Asher's situation. Afterwards I would go lead the counterattack. Right now the situation wasn't looking good.

On our way here, I had seen fighting going on, and it didn't look like we would be able to prevail for long.

The enemy is starting to oppress us; we might have to leave from here.

Is what someone would think in normal circumstances, but this wasn't a normal circumstance.

This is where magic exists. Anything was possible.

I sighed at Asmodeus' question. To be honest I hadn't actually planned anything.

However, since a few of the most powerful people in the kingdom (including me) were here in one place, everything should've been okay.

It was too bad we didn't have Malus. I would say out of all of us, he was the strongest. I still wasn't able to beat him even after sparing with him countless times.

When we needed him the most, he was gone. It wasn't like him to not come running if he knew we were in danger. Or maybe it was but I would never know.

Right now we needed to do something. Most likely the queen wanted something from us, but what could it be?

I continued to wonder as Asmodeus and Asher conversed about something. They were talking in a hushed tone.

Probably something dumb like their love life.

Hade, in the other hand, seemed to be thinking about something.

Since we were in such close quarters (I really should've made this space bigger) we were all sort of clinging to each other. It was starting to get distracting.

"I'm...going outside," I told the others as I 'walked' out the hideout.

Immediately after I stepped out, I heard another BOOM! It felt like this would be never-ending.

I needed to do something; anything. First, I thought back to what I had learned about formations the nation follows when conducting a counterattack. The thing was, most likely the commanders had given up on counterattack and were doing a defensive play.

Forgetting the thought I had in my mind prior to acknowledging what I had just acknowledged, I turned around to go to the most densely populated area in the kingdom.

Sure, I hadn't gone out much, but I had the author of the novel to thank for this. In the novel, they had made a map of the demon king. It was something that I would call dumb, but helpful at the same time.

It was a detailed map of the demon kingdom before Hade swooped in and wiped it off the face of the world map.

The most crowded place was near the entrance to the kingdom and the opposite, deeper part of the kingdom.

Out of the two, I would say the place near the entrance was the most crowded since many people  came and went from there.

You would think that going to the kingdom was dangerous and taken seriously by outsiders, but it wasn't.

This kingdom was part of the six. It was where the world got its supply of different herbs, spices, weapons and more. Although every country could make its own weapons, the demon kingdoms was the best.

Damn I felt like I was giving free advertisement for this kingdom.

Anyways, I turned around and headed towards the entrance of the kingdom.

As I was about to reach there, I heard Hade call out my name, "Hey, Adonis!"

I wasn't even surprised when I heard his voice. Of course he would come after me. He was like a dog who refused to let go of his owner and it was getting common.

I paused and turned around, "Yes, what now?" I asked in an exasperated tone.

Hade finally caught up to me, "I know what they are after," he said.

I raised an eyebrow, " Really?" I asked, my curiosity peaked.

"Looks like we are on the same page," he gave a grin.

I nodded and continued walking towards the sounds of fighting. It sounded more like a riot than a war.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

"It's...a child."

I'm going through a lot rn

My bro (he's 8) got Covid, my dad got Covid, i got hurt, mom has some health problems.

Hopefully I won't have an allergic reaction and end up going to the hospital -_-

Anyways here's a chapter <3 hope u enjoyed and if u didn't o well 🤷‍♀️

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