Chapter 41

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I wrote on my way back from a trip, love y'all lol and I'll try to update more frequently now that school's over!

"Hade, wake up," I said, gently shaking him awake.

We had taken a nice long bath together, and by the time we finished our activities, it was still dark outside.

Obviously, Hade had gotten better, but the little green curse was still lodged in his chest. It had gotten much dimmer, barely visible. I only noticed it in the bath. I remember asking if it hurt, but Hade just smiled and shook his head.

'No', he had said, 'honestly, I feel...nice.'

Afterward, he snuggled into my arms.

Before going to sleep, I had asked Hade if he meant that he liked me. After getting a little flustered, he said yes.

But something didn't feel right, as if something was missing. I didn't know what, though. Maybe it was the lack of a flowery background? A ring??

The atmosphere was kinda there, the smile, the blush, the snuggling...

After some pointless pondering, I dismissed the thought, and we dressed into our new pair of clothes and left the motel.

No one was behind the service counter.

When we stepped through the door, it was too quiet, the usual bustling on the streets gone, met with a slowly descending, stringlike, wavy fog and silence. To top it all off, everyone's homes and workplaces were closed off, nothing visible. Even a caveman would be able to tell something was off.

I looked at Hade, and it seemed as though he thought the same way. His left hand hovered above his katana, prepared to grasp onto it if anything happened.

We continued to walk towards the fountain where I had originally seen the source of this fog, me leading the way.

Once we got there, Hade looked at me questioningly, most likely wondering why we were here.

I shook my head, motioning that I would tell him later.

Then, a small whisper of a shadow caught the corner of my eye and I turned to face it.

I gripped the sheath, tensing my muscles and lowering my head to better listen to my surroundings.

Since the fog was half obscuring my vision, my hearing training would finally come into play. I guess being a personal assistant wasn't much of a waste, though I knew that from the beginning.

I wasn't facing Hade, but I heard a small 'clack,' he was getting ready to unsheath his katana if needed.

I heard a small rustling of grass as if it was being run over by someone running. Light footsteps, most likely a kid.

The boy.

I lowered my body and dashed towards the sound, leaving Hade behind. He would be able to fend for himself if anything happened, and I'm sure he would be able to tell what I did was purposeful.

In a few seconds, I had caught up to the child. I swung my arm around him before he could process what was happening. He had been running with some bread, with a hood covering his hair. His pants were ripped in various places, and his hood/shirt was in tatters.

The child let out a high-pitched but soft yelp before starting to struggle. The bread he had managed to hold onto when I caught him fell out of his grasp.

He started struggling harder. The boy only looked to be nine years old or so, this child.

"Shhh, I'm not going to hurt you," I said, attempting to comfort him. When he realized that I wouldn't let go no matter how much he struggled, he gave up.

(BL) Life's Too Boring, Let's Become The Villain!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant