Chapter 8: Heroes

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I was getting ready to dodge, when one of the idiots came in from nowhere and attempted to block the blow.

Yes, one of the idiots. The 'heroes.'

I was so shocked, I just stood there as a flash of green and black deflected the blow like a pro. More like acted like a meat shield and got lucky because the wood hit the hard part of whatever he was wearing.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I was really worried. If this dude got hurt and went back to his side of the world all hurt and whatever, it could cause a war. Not that I cared. If the humans died, it would mean less paperwork for me. Half the paperwork given to me was the humans fault. They were always holding riots and protests, and they called us demons. Dipsticks.

Anyways, the guy looked up at me, confused but visibly relieved.

"Yeah," he mumbled, his voice deeper than you would think if you looked at him.

He was more on the skinny side, with a good amount of muscle and covered in tattoos that looked like clouds. His skin was on the pale side and his bright orange eyes showed warmth and excitement. He had a few streaks of white in his hair, surrounding him with a dashing air.

He looked like someone both boys and girls would flock over with excitement.

I grumbled, annoyed, "What are you doing here? Leave now. Unless you want to be imprisoned here forever."

Yes, I know. Asmodeus was supposed to say that, being the demon king and all, but I just wanted to get this done and over with.

Asmodeus scowled at me, then repeated, "Get lost, if you don't wanna stay here forever."

The heroes looked confused.

I rolled my eyes.

"Let us first decide," one of the heroes declared. He looked like the type to kill anyone he viewed as annoying. His dull yellow eyes did, however, show caution, as he slowly walked up to where I was holding the idiot who had blocked the blow for me, and took him.

"Hade, what are you doing," yellow eyes hissed.

Hade replied with a, "Bruh, can't you see I'm trying to negotiate? I saved this dude and he looks like he is important so the demon king will listen to me!"



"Come here, leave the fucking stage."


I decided to interrupt, and said, "Wait. He looks like he wants to talk. What do you want?"

I waited for a response. Again, Asmodeus was staring at me like I was an idiot.

I just rolled my eyes at him again, bent down and whispered into his ear, "If you wanna handle this, go ahead. I hope you increase my paycheck for this month."

Asmodeus pushed me hard, which surprised me because even though he is a prick, he knows what he should and should not do in public. I ended up losing my balance. Then I felt a some-what muscular arm catching me. Again, I was, to some extent, saved by this guy named Hade.


writing spree lmao-

i wanted to make this ch longer but i was like "lets take this opportunity to stock up on some chapters lmaooo"

also im a bit late for this giving a special in like 5 mins-

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