Chapter 5: Wilbur Soot is a Leash Kid

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It was a terrible time to bother Puffy, Tommy knew that.  3 AM on a work night, no one wanted to be woken up to care for their idiotic vigilantes. But he couldn't go back to work and act normal if his back was messed up like this.

He huffed, getting more tired from the loss of adrenaline and from carrying Torpedo. He didn't know how much longer he could carry him before his arms would eventually give out. Lucky for Tommy, Puffy's house should be nearby, according to the address she gave him.

She always said that he could come to her if he needed help, right? Well, he really needed her help. He hoped it wasn't a specifically crafted lie- a lie to get him close enough that he'd never see the betrayal coming, leaving him and his feelings and emotions vulnerable and ready to be purged and ripped open. He learned to trust Puffy long ago but the wisps of wariness were still there.

He gave another shuddering sigh, looking around for the house. He was in her neighborhood, and there was no exact way to be discreet about going to Puffy's house, so he just wandered the sidewalk whilst dragging Torpedo along and hoping no one recognized him.

Tommy nearly cried of relief when he saw her address come into his view. Her house was painted a light blue, and had well-tended flowers to compliment the color.

He nearly stopped in his tracks with realization. He couldn't just knock, people might see him and connect him with Puffy, and then Puffy would be in danger. His muddled mind right now could hardly think, but at least he had enough sense to not just go through the front door.

Going through the window probably wasn't any better, but that's what Tommy did.

At first he tried knocking, as if that was gonna work, then he tried lifting the window upwards, but it was locked. Eventually, he just jammed his elbow in the the window several times until it shattered, and Tommy couldn't care for the noise it made.

He'd say it was an accident. Puffy would (probably) believe him.

He hauled the still-unconscious Torpedo into the room with a graceless thud, then pulled himself up on the windowsill, his limbs screaming in protest from the janky movement, and rolled into the room clumsily.

Shaking himself a bit, he sat up against the wall and scanned the room. Looks like he came in through the kitchen, if the fridge and oven were anything to go by.

Tommy's vision faded in and out. He clapped his hands harshly over the edges of his mask where his cheeks were to keep himself conscious, the sting warming his cheeks and turning them red. He had to find Puffy. He couldn't pass out now, he was so close.

"What the hell?!"

Looks like she found him instead.

Tommy gave a wry smile to her before leaning against the wall more. Her split dyed hair was frizzy and unkept from sleeping on it and she had a mix of surprise and horror in her eyes. Tommy huffed out a laugh, voice gravelly.

"You said I could come, didn't you?"

Recognition dawned on her, and soon enough she was rushing forward, avoiding the shattered glass scattered everywhere and checking both Tommy and Torpedo for injuries. Tommy was definitely more injured out of the both of them, but Torpedo's unconscious state was worrisome as well.

"What happened?" Puffy nearly whispered, poking and prodding at their limbs. Tommy winced every time she hit a sore spot.

"Explosion caused by Blaze and Whirlpool in some random warehouse; I don't know, it's all foggy now." He explained tiredly. "Blade and Insomnia got to us though, and that's why he's like that."

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