Chapter 8: Hidden Powers

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TWs - blood, depiction of injuries (please tell me if there's anything else I need to add!)

A/N - if you got a notification that I updated this book, no you didn't <3
I just edited this chapter a bit there was some stuff I didn't like lmao

This was not a good day for Big Man Tommy Innit, glock-wielder supreme and fearsome vigilante.

His sides fucking hurt from being pricked by thorns and he was basically forcing himself to run at this point.

The fucking heroes were on his tail again. How'd they even get on the roof so fast??

He didn't even have time to process what the fuck just happened, he just had to dip.

That lady was definitely crazy. An egg? Maybe if he saw her again, he'd recommend her to a therapist. Like Puffy. Puffy wasn't a therapist, but she definitely could lend an ear or two to listen to the crazy lady talk about eggs.

Hannah probably liked her eggs raw. Fuckin' heathen. Tommy liked his eggs scrambled and Tubbo liked his eggs hard boiled. Tommy couldn't imagine eating raw eggs, but Hannah probably has. She's a bit obsessed if he's gonna be honest.

'The egg awaits you' bleh bleh bleh. Imagine that being your message to some random teens before you disappear into thin air.

Her eyes were a bit concerning to him though. Tommy had nothing against people with different colored eyes, like Ranboo, he had red and green eyes, which Tommy thought was cool. Maybe it was because of her power or something. He really couldn't judge.

But something about her eyes put him on edge. They split through the darkness and somehow made the dingy alleyway seem even darker. There was malicious intent and something controlling within them.

Something was going on. Something big.

Nothing Tommy could do about it. At least, not now, not while he has two pro heroes chasing after him.

He was absolutely pissed.

He side eyed Torpedo next to him, who looked slightly out of breath. At least Tommy's legs weren't in pain. It made it easier to run. It was just his torso and arms that throbbed terribly from the thorns that had pierced through his skin. He was sure he was still bleeding, he'd have to hide that if he could.

He turned around for a split second.

Ah yes. What a wonderful day it has been.

The heroes were still pacing steadily behind them, making sure they didn't use too much of their energy. There was apprehension in their movements and they seemed wary enough to not use their powers for now. Looks like they were taking this seriously now. They probably got yelled at by their boss or something, Tommy didn't care. They were still on their tail and that was all that mattered. The heroes were like fucking cockroaches and the vigilantes were having a hard time losing them.

A low humming sounded from behind them, and Torpedo stumbled a bit, quickly rerouting himself and keeping his pace next to Tommy. His earplugs were muffling the sound as much as they could, but it wouldn't last forever. Tommy's heart flew into his throat as he stumbled a bit from exhaustion.

Now, Tommy Innit does not trip. That would be a foolish thing to do, especially in front of pro heroes.

But hypothetically, maybe Tommy was a bit exhausted from that last battle. With that crazy egg lady that kept shooting vines at him. And maybe, hypothetically, if he did in fact stumble and fall, rolling over on the roof, it was not his fault.

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