Chapter 10: The Blade is Socially Awkward and I Find That Hilarious

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It was nearly 9 PM by the time Tommy got back to his apartment. The food he got for his roommates was still moderately warm, warm enough to eat without being gross, and their Shamrock Shakes were only slightly melted. His grappling gun was about a third of the way finished; he could work on it tonight if he skipped patrol. Most importantly, his injuries didn't hurt anymore. Well, not as much as they did before. It felt good to finally get them treated without the risk of infection.

It was getting late. Ranboo would be home by now. Ranboo had been coming home later and later, which was a bit concerning to Tommy.

Tubbo was probably still upset with him. He had just stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door on his way out, after all.

(-then he got caught up in a drug deal and saved by the pro hero Insomnia who took him to get McDonald's, no biggie tho.)

It wasn't Tommy's fault Tubbo was so concerned over a bandage. He understood why he was so worried, but that was the least concerning injury Tommy had.

And Tubbo had been hurt as well. He didn't tell Tommy anything about it. He just continued to suffer in silence and not let anyone know.

And then, to accuse Tommy of lying and hiding things from him? That's a bit uncalled for, even if he's right. But Tubbo was hiding something from him as well, it only makes sense for Tommy to be defensive-

He didn't want to give up being a vigilante. Tommy wanted to help people. He has a power now. He can't just stop being a vigilante- that would destroy him.

So when he knocked on the apartment door, he was surprised to be welcomed in by Ranboo, who was facing him towards a somewhat apologetic Tubbo.

Tubbo's eyes were still cold, but they held a certain kind of guilt that Tommy didn't like seeing in those blue eyes of his. Tommy tightened his grip on the food and the bag of materials he was carrying.

Ranboo stood in between the two, acting as some sort of mediator. When the silence had stretched on for too long, he cleared his throat and gave a pointed look to Tubbo, who shifted on his feet awkwardly.

"Tubbo," Ranboo started, glaring towards the boy in question, "you got anything you want to say?"

Tubbo ducked his head down so his bangs hid his expression and rocked on the balls of his feet. After a moment, he sighed.

"I'm sorry for getting so upset, Tommy. I reacted poorly and made you feel like you had to get away. I shouldn't have yelled at you." Tubbo looked up to meet Tommy's eyes with a seriousness that Tommy had never seen before.

Tommy's eyes were as wide as saucers and he felt relief flood his veins. He didn't need to talk about it. Tubbo was the one apologizing. Tommy felt his chest swell. Everything was going to be okay.

"Tubbo, I'm-"

"But-" Tubbo interrupted, and Tommy felt his heart sink, "I'm not sorry for accusing you of lying. You're definitely hiding something from us."

Tommy felt like ice traveled through his veins at the tone of Tubbo's voice.

Tubbo didn't trust him. Tommy felt like a weight was being pressed to his chest, weighing him down.

Ranboo eyed Tubbo warily and whispered down to him. "Tubbo- you're supposed to be apologizing, not making more conflict-"

"I'm simply stating the truth. He is hiding something from us." Tubbo replied, never taking his cold eyes away from Tommy's bewildered ones. Tubbo shifted his gaze downwards until it was locked on the bag of parts for Tommy's grappling hook. Tommy quickly hid the bag behind his legs and Tubbo's eyes narrowed farther. Ranboo shifted awkwardly on his feet, clearly feeling uncomfortable about the subject.

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