Chapter 12: Gourmet Chef Tommy, The Greatest Chef There Is

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Tommy was stressed. That was evident in itself. From his roommates nearly finding out his secret to the heroes situation and this 'Egg' thing, he was crumbling from the pressure.

Not to mention that there's something going on between his two bosses. A lot had been happening recently.

He shouldn't be worrying about this stuff. But he can't help it. The stress was supposed to roll off of him. He wasn't supposed to be feeling scared.
He went through a lot before. Why would this be any different?

But it was.

He didn't like that every time he tried to distract himself from these "issues" his mind would supply him another worry.

Worry, upon worry, upon worry, stacking onto his shoulders and making him buckle under the metaphorical weight.

He didn't know if he could take it anymore.

That being said, he wasn't very surprised when Wilbur had noticed his stress one day.

He had looked concerned, like he genuinely cared for Tommy's well being. And Tommy didn't know what to make of that.

He was sat with Wil in one of the booths as they usually did when Wil came around. Hanging out with Wilbur had become his sort of 'therapy' in a way. Wilbur just had a way of washing away his problems from his mind, filling them with happy thoughts instead. He was glad he could consider Wilbur a friend.

Although, today had been tearing Tommy down. He was so tired. He just wanted everything to stop for once, the worry, the guilt, the everything. He wished for time to stop, just long enough so that he could take a mental breather.

He tried to hide how stressed he was, he really did. But the twisted and conflicted look on Wilbur's face showed him he wasn't doing a good job.

The man on the TV had been blabbering on about the decreased crime rates in their district, singing his praises to Insomnia and The Blade for sticking around.

Tommy promptly turned off the TV after he said that.

Wilbur said nothing.

Their conversation came to a stop when Ranboo came up to them with Wilbur's usual order and Tommy's coffee. He'd been taking to drinking coffee more recently. He could stay awake longer that way.

Ranboo and Wilbur had eyed each other weirdly, almost in a silent conversation before Ranboo went back to the kitchen. It was weird, but Tommy didn't comment on it.

He could tell Tubbo had been having a hard time recently as well. He also seemed more stressed, but Tommy didn't know at what. Maybe he noticed the change in their boss as well, or maybe he was getting tired of this. Of ignoring Tommy.

Tommy was so tired. This time, it was more mentally than physically. He was sick of the constant thoughts that ran around in his brain. They wouldn't shut up. His mind just kept running circles around everything and he wished he could turn it off.

He missed Skeppy. He missed Bad. He wished he could figure out what 'The Egg' was and what was going on with them.

And most of all-

He missed Tubbo. His best friend. His buddy.

He just wanted everything to be okay.

"Hello? Earth to Tommy?"

Wilbur was across from him, snapping his fingers in front of Tommy's face as if that was going to bring him to attention. Tommy huffed good-naturedly and swatted his hand away. A smile cracked onto Wilbur's face and he couldn't help but do the same.

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