Chapter 15: Failing, Falling, and Feathers

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TWs- fighting, small amounts of blood

Phil and Ranboo had already left to capture the vigilantes. Techno could only hope that the young vigilantes would be able to get away. His father was an extremely capable person. There's a reason why he's one of the most respected heroes. Phil was practically known for never failing a mission.

Techno hoped their warning would at least be enough to keep the vigilantes away tonight, but he doubted they would listen. They were pretty stubborn, and it was obvious they didn't trust the heroes. Techno could understand that, especially after they nearly killed them. He at least hoped they would use the emergency buttons if they needed help.

Techno was sat on the top of the steps, fiddling with his daggers as he ignored the wailing in his head when he sat up straighter, realizing something was amiss.

Oh. That's what it was.

Wilbur wasn't annoying him like he usually does.

That's nice of him.


Thats.. concerning, actually. He hadn't actually heard from Wilbur since he got back home. Which was about five hours ago.

He guessed he should get up to go check on him.

Gods, why is being a good brother such a pain?

Techno sighed exasperatedly as he pulled himself off the ground and headed to his brother's room, grumbling along the way.

Wilbur's room was eerily silent. There's usually always sound coming from Wilbur's room, whether it be strumming of a guitar or loud, boisterous laughter whenever Wilbur would watch a funny video on YouTube. Now, it's just quiet. Techno pressed his head against the door and strained his ears to hear any sound at all.

Some rustling of sheets. Wilbur must be asleep then.

Never mind, he forgot. Wilbur snores so loudly, he definitely wasn't asleep if it was this silent.

Techno sighed and knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the hallway.

"Open up Wilbur, I know you're awake in there."

Silence. Techno sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Fine. If you aren't going to let me in, then I'll come in myself." Techno grumbled and pushed the door open with his shoulder. The door gave way and revealed the absolute mess Wilbur's room was in.

Crumpled paper balls littered the ground while Wilbur's guitar was discarded carelessly in the corner. Clothes were thrown about and blankets were strewn across the floor. Techno spotted Wilbur on his bed, eyes downcast and somber as he concentrated on looking on one singular spot on the ground.

Techno held back a sigh.

Wilbur was brooding again.

"Wilbur." Techno greeted, grimacing at the pathetic sight before him. Wilbur just sighed in response, long and drawn out.

"Hey.. Techno.." Wilbur murmured, a small smile on the edge of his lips as he continued to stare continuously at one spot on the floor. Techno pursed his lips, his eyes locked on the figure brooding on the edge of his bed.

Techno shifted on his feet uncomfortably.

"You good?"

Wilbur's smile dropped and he shrugged dismissively.

Seeing as Wilbur had nothing else to say, Techno knew he had to be the one to take initiative. Wilbur was upset, that much was obvious. Something had happened that Techno didn't know about, and it was making Wilbur upset.

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