2| Game

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Chapter 2: Game (Aaron's POV)


"Yes, Celia?" I asked without turning my chair to face her desk. 

"Are we really going to spend today doing nothing just because we didn't land a single project this month and already finished the previous ones?" 

I stopped typing on the computer and closed my eyes, taking in a breath and then facing her. "And why do you think that happened?" 

Vanessa's team was out, for the time being, discussing their final steps with our CEO, Pierce Davidson. Hence, my team is the only one left in this room now. 

"I find it hard to believe that not one person here knows why we failed to land a single project this month." I stood up, taking the empty coffee up and waiting for an answer. I was about to go get a refill anyway. I lifted a brow, looking at their blank faces. "You know, just being quiet doesn't mean I'll let it go. Don't look so lost, we all know where we went wrong." 

"We couldn't complete our last projects on time," Thomas said from beside me. "That's why we couldn't focus properly on these ones and that's why when we pitched our ideas to Davidson, they were all rejected." 

I snapped my fingers, pointing at him. "Bingo." 

"Our last projects were much harder than theirs," John huffed, standing up. 

"I don't think that matters," Lyla mumbled in confusion. "We were supposed to be better at them, that's why Davidson approved our ideas and not theirs. We let him down when we couldn't keep our word and do what we promised." 

"Everything's not as easy as designing a book cover, Lyla," John retorted. 

"Remind us all what you do, John. Other than crib about problems," I cut in. 

He sighed, rolled his eyes, and sat back down. 

I glanced at Lyla. "You did submit the covers late, though, keep that in mind." 

She nodded, "Sorry about that." 

I turned to Celia. "And you? You didn't tell us that the author even had specific requests for the cover." 

"It slipped my mind, Aaron." 

"Celia, your job is to communicate with the author on our behalf and make sure the author approves of everything. The first project we lost this week was because the author contacted Davidson and said they don't like the cover we designed." 

She sighed, "I'm sorry." 

I rolled my eyes at the frowns on everybody's faces. "You all can go mope at home." Everybody straightened up, getting back to work. "Really," I said, heading for the door. "It's not like we have any projects left to finish today anyway." I looked ahead, crashing right into someone. 

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