35| Scared

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Chapter 35: Scared (Vanessa's POV)

I sat on the sunlounger, watching as a group of college students walked past us, heading to the exit of the beach and leaving just as the sun started setting.


I turned to Daisy and Jade. "Yeah?"

"What's going on with you and Aaron?"

"What do you mean?"

"You two seemed cozier this morning, that's all," Daisy shrugged.

"Yeah. You both either had sex for the first time last night, which I don't know if I believe, or you both dropped the L-word," Jade shrugged, taking her bucket hat off and spinning it around her hand.

"What?" I laughed.

"She's right," Daisy agreed. "You have that afterglow. Which one was it?" she grinned, lifting her brows at me.

"How would you say Aaron's performance was?" Jade teased.

"You guys are out of your mind," I laughed, pushing my sunglasses up to my head. "I mean, come on. How old are we? Cut it out, guys. Aaron and me..."

"Are in love," Jade said bluntly.


"Get over it, Vanessa. How long are you going to lie to yourself and play it off?"

"We're not that serious," I persisted. I didn't want to admit that I fell in love with Aaron Sinclair. I didn't want to admit that I might have been in love with him all along. All along like since college all along.

"How come you two never liked each other in college?" Daisy asked. "You two are perfect together, I mean, how different could it have been in college?"

I blinked, staring at the waves and setting sun. "Not that different, actually," I mumbled, mostly to myself. "We argued, all the same, we competed for everything, we pretended to hate each other when we actually..." I chuckled softly, looking over at where Aaron and the rest of the office guys were all playing soccer with a volleyball. "Well, we actually really liked each other, we just never let the other person find out."

"Incoming," Daisy said, glancing to my right.

I looked up and saw Ms. Harmony walking over. "Hi, girls," she smiled. "Do you mind if I steal Vanessa for a moment?"

"Of course not," Daisy beamed up at her.

I stood up and walked with her. She was heading towards the shore, so I figured we'd be walking along it.

"I wanted to catch you alone today. We're all heading back tomorrow and I'm sure you won't have time to come chat with me tonight," she chuckled.

"No, of course not. I'd come chat with you any time you asked, Ms. Harmony," I laughed softly.

"Please, call me Harmony."

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