16| Team

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Chapter 16: Team (Aaron's POV)

She set the kitten on the counter and sat on the stool, grabbing nail clippers for the kitten. "Calm down, we did not kidnap Blue, he's not done yet. Aaron, meet Theo. Theo, meet Aaron. Cute, isn't he?" she asked, smiling at the white kitten, scratching under his chin. She moved to clip the claws but stopped and lifted her eyes to me. 

I looked away from Theo and at Vanessa. "What?" 

"Nothing," she cleared her throat. "Theo came in a week ago. He was adopted in one day, you know." I hummed in response, nodding while the kitten curled into Vanessa's lap, yawning. "And then the horrible, horrible people who adopted him, left him outside the clinic two days later." 

I lifted my eyes up to hers but she was focused on the kitten. I couldn't see her, but she sounded like she would cry. 

"And now nobody's taking him. Even the shelter we work with doesn't have enough space for a new kitten. So, it's up to us now. If nobody takes him home today..." 

Theo purred steadily, falling asleep. 

"He'll be put down," she mumbled and put the nail clippers aside. 

"That's..." I paused, "really sad. I hope somebody takes him." 

She peered up at me, eyebrows raised. "Will you?" 

I blinked a few times. "What?" 

"Please take him," she whispered. 


"You have a heart, don't you? One that is apparently not stone cold. You took in Blue. Please take him in." 

"Vanessa, I can't just take another cat home." 

"Why not? Does your building not allow it? You have Blue." 

"Exactly. I already have Blue." 

"What's one more?" 

"A lot." 

She glared at me and then huffed, looking down at the sleeping kitten with a sad frown. "I guess you do have a stone-cold heart after all," she mumbled, standing up and taking the kitten with her. I sighed, rolling my eyes softly. She stopped halfway and turned back around, rushing over. "Please, Aaron? Just for a few days? I'll find someone else to keep him." 


"You're taking him."

"No, I'm not—" 

"You're taking him. It's done." She thrusted a form at me. "Fill it out." 

"Vanessa, no." 

"Aaron, yes." 



I stared at her incredulously and shook my head. "No," I said slowly. 

"Give Blue a friend. You're taking him." 


"If you don't, he'll be euthanized. Just for some time, Aaron. Come on. Dig into your heart and find the humanity I know is in you. Please?" she whined, stomping her feet. 

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