Chapter 23: The Vampires Ally

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Chapter 23:

The Vampires Ally

    “War shall not be upon us.” Kaname claimed and stepped forward. “I thank you for protecting the Academy but risking your own lives was foolish. Rima, what were you thinking coming out here on your own?”

   “I’m sorry lord Kaname.” Rima started and bowed, “I thought there was only one and I thought I could just get rid of him but no. I thank you.” Shiki came to stand next to her; he stood over in a worried state.

   “Are you hurt?” He asked.

   She coughed a little, “No, thanks to Yuna and her friend.”

   My eyes widened and my face went up bright red, everyone began to stare at me… everyone. “Um… it was nothing.” I said brushing my hands in front of my face in embarrassment.

   “Thank you Miss Yamazaki. You protected one of our kind even though your abilities show a different side. When you grow more in control you might be a good ally to every Vampire other than Level E’s.” He bowed and came to stand in front of me.  “Your courage will be remembered and your strength will be feared. Do not abuse your powers as kinds like ours bow at your feet.”

   I watched as every Vampire behind Kaname began to bow, Rima bowed slightly and Shiki a little more. I smiled and shook my head, “This is silly, you know I’ll always be here for you guys and I won’t betray you.”  I said as they began to stand straight again. “I’ll always be here, don’t worry.”

   “I’ll be your side kick!” Asuna said with a smile. She’s taken this Vampire thing much better than anyone else I know. I was very surprised.

   Everyone turned to stare at Asuna as she ringed her arm through mine. A grin large on her face but I felt her shaking. A shady looking girl stepped forward, her short haircut, in the darkness of the night I couldn’t tell whether it was purple or blue. She lifted her hand up and spoke, “Lord Kaname, erasing of her memory would be in order?” Asuna gasped and jumped back.

   “Hey! I’ve waited this entire time to learn that I was right and you wanna take that from me?” Asuna cried in question.

   Kaname’s eyebrows crossed and Shiki came to stand next to her, “You knew?” he asked in his slow voice.

   “My father was killed similar to how you guys, you know, drink blood so I’ve always believed and now I know. I won’t tell anyone—who the hell do you think I am?!” She snapped. I smiled and pinched her arm.

   “I agree, but I do have a request. You don’t erase her memory so she can join the Disciplinary Committee! We seriously need more members! Please?” I asked staring Kaname in the eyes with a serious face. His expression was blank for a moment but he soon nodded.

   “As you wish, Asuna, you may join the Committee.” He said and turned to all the night class students. “No classes today after this uproar. Go back to your dorms for the night.” All the Vampires nodded and stepped by us on the path back to the Academy’s campus.

   I bowed to Kaname, “Thank you.” I said as he passed us too.

   I felt someone tug on my arm, it was Rima, “Hey… sorry I was a little nasty to you. I was wrong, you are a nice person. Thank you.” She muttered and walked off behind the others. Shiki turned to me and looked at my neck… he noticed the necklace was not there. His eyes widened and I smiled at him—finally.

   “Yuna,” Kurando spoke softly and pushed in front of Shiki as if he was not even there. “You should go back to your dorm too. You must be very tired, you were sick.” He placed his hands in mine, “I don’t want you to get even more ill.”    

   It was a little weird but whenever Kurando sweet talks me I always would fall deeply in love with him all over again but this time… this time I didn’t fade into his eyes—I looked at him as if he was… a close friend, but nothing more. What was wrong with me? Where did my feelings go?     

   “Thank you Kurando… and thanks for the flower, it was very pretty.” I mentioned and pulled away from him. I glanced down at the ground and he noticed something was different.

   “We’re going back on patrol, Yuna. Kurando’s right too, you should go to bed, same with you Asuna. We’ll work out your place tomorrow OK?” Yuuki said standing next to Zero. Kurando placed his hand on my face but I pulled away from that too. He shrugged and walked toward Zero.  

   “Yeah I shall.” I nodded at Asuna; she looked as though she had enough for one night, sleepy as ever. I don’t know how she’d survive on the Committee but I was so glad I was getting the chance to work with my best friend!  

Asuna nodded and walked back toward the dorms, turning around to find me standing back a bit. She smiled slightly and continued… I thought she would wait for me. Guess not…

   Kurando, Zero and Yuuki walked off and I was about to head back also until I heard a whisper, “Yuna…”

   I turned around to see Shiki leaning against a tree, his face blank but he was eager to speak with me. “Yes?” I replied coming to stand in front of him.

   He reached into his pocket and pulled out a sliver chain attached to a rose craving of silver. My Mothers necklace! I grinned as he handed it to me. I stared at it for a bit, my eyes then travelling towards his. “Thank you,” He whispered.

   I nodded and placed it around my neck, the chain cool against my skin. I felt it lay there in place; it felt weird having it around my neck again. “Thank you for giving it back after this whole time.” I said.

   Shiki stepped closer to me, “Why would you do something like that for me?” He asked looking over me, pushing his face down close to mine.

   I stared deeply into his eyes wondering what to say next, I was speechless. I was just wondering around his eyes, I didn’t know what to do or say. I thought of something… confessing—but what if he has never liked me in that way?! My mind was spinning out of control in confusion. “I—I—” I stuttered as he continued to stare at me closely. My expression nearly fell off my face as I heard a stick snap on the ground close to us.

   “Yuna? What’s going on?” Kurando snapped standing about a metre away from us.

Vampire Knight- Shiki Senri Love StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara