Chapter 7: The Disciplinary Committee

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Chapter 7:

The Disciplinary Committee

Yuuki gasped as she saw both Kaname and Shiki in the sickbay with me, the dents in the walls—she nearly dropped the bouquet of flowers she was holding… flowers?

   “Oh! I uh, hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.” She said as her words were muddled up. I shook my head and smiled.

   “No, of course not, Yuuki. How are you?” I greeted her; she shook her head and came to stand next to my bed.

   “I wanted to thank you for before. The Dean heard about the whole thing and Jewels is getting suspended—you were let off with a warning but everyone seems to be pleased she’s gone for a while.” Yuuki smiled, “I bought you these as a thank you gift for helping me. You’re quite strong and I bet the girls will know better now than to mess with someone like you.” I laughed at her praise toward me. I guess I was sort of strong… I used to get high marks in the strength test all the time.

   Yuuki handed me the bouquet of flowers and I smelled them as the scent hit my nose. It was lovely. “Thank you so much Yuuki. Anytime you need help with anything you just come get me OK?”

   Yuuki nodded with a grin. Kaname walked over to Yuuki and placed his hand on her shoulder. She began to blush and tried to hide her face because of it.

   Kaname looked down on me, “So, Yuna, do you have plans to join the Disciplinary Committee?” Kaname said happily. I was taken aback at the thought—Yuuki never gets enough sleep so I’d be pretty tired during class just like her! No! I can’t!

   “Uh—” I spoke until I was interrupted.

   “WHAA!? You’re planning to join the Disciplinary Committee?! Oh my gosh! Yes please! Thanks so much Yuna!” Yuuki gasped and pulled me to her to form a hug. My mouth dropped open and I glared at Kaname. His payback huh? Well played Kaname Kuran, well played.

   “Um… yeah sure, I was.” I lied with a grin. Unhappily, I sighed and thought what I was gonna do.

   “And when were you gonna tell me this?” Asuna cried rushing through the door. “You can’t join the Disciplinary Committee, Yuna! You can’t!” Thank you Asuna! My lifesaver!

   “I’m truly sorry, Miss Asuna but young Yamazaki has already made up her mind.” Kaname said pointing to me. MINDBLOW! Damn you stupid Kaname! This is too far! NOOOOO!

   “But why Yuna? You didn’t even tell me.” Asuna said sounding sad. I sighed deeply and looked up at her.

   “It was just a sudden decision… I would look at Yuuki and think, ‘Wow, she needs help with this… I guess I might be able to help’ you know? I think I can give Yuuki a hand with this. Please don’t be angry Asuna.” I explained swinging my legs off the side of the bed. Shiki stood up straight and walked toward the door.

   “Good luck with that, I must return to the dorms.” Shiki mumbled to me and left the sickbay. I seemed sad he didn’t stay for longer but I could see in his eyes, he was tired. Vampires must sleep in the day time… I might be able to see Shiki a lot more in this job though… I never really thought of that.

   “OK, Yuna. I’ll be OK with this if I can join it too.” Asuna said with a smile. I started to cough loudly along with Yuuki’s giant gasps. Kaname shook his head.

   “I’m sorry, Miss Asuna but I don’t believe you have the right experience for a job like this.” Kaname mentioned. Asuna’s face turned red.

   “Excuse me? I am as good as Yuna will ever be! What does she have that I don’t that you, Yuuki, of the Disciplinary Committee need? Hmm?” Asuna cried in an angry tone. Kaname stared blankly at her as he heard footsteps enter through the door.

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