Chapter 14: Asuna's Hidden Secrets

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Chapter 14:

Asuna’s Hidden Secrets

I stared at their shining silver feature as it lay on my lap. The two Daggers I would use, which had been given to me to wield in protection, against most likely Level E Vampires. Kurando had been given a long sword because of his Samurai skills he has already learned in his life.  I thought he was pretty lucky since I had even little idea about how to use the Daggers in the first place… I know I can lash out and stab but that’s about all I know. No martial arts or defensive positions—nothing at all.

   “Hey,” Yuuki said coming over to sit next to me in the Office. Kurando was talking to the Headmaster and Zero had left without warning earlier on. “I heard you went to Senri’s photo shoot yesterday when both me and Yuri left. Did you enjoy it?” She seemed somewhat happy. I couldn’t help but blush.

   “Um, yeah I had loads of fun. I can show you the pictures if you’d like.” I replied with a sharp grin. She saw my face going pink.

   “Hey, I know you like Senri a lot but you act all flirty and happy around Kurando too… who do you like best?” She asked. I cringed in my seat and hesitated for a moment.

   “Um…” I seriously couldn’t reply to that though… something was pulling me in both directions but it was up to me at some point to choose which road to go on. Shiki’s or Kurando’s. But the thing was they both might not even consider me in that way and I could just end up forever alone and fully embarrassed… OK, I’ll try not to think about the worst things that could happen.

   “Don’t bother answering that actually. It was inappropriate and I’m sorry.” Yuuki laughed, “But he does seem like a sweet boy, Kurando. Maybe you and him do have something special.” She winked at me with a giggle and forwarded toward the door to leave. 

   I sighed deeply and stood up thinking about Shiki. I liked him from the start… will I like him toward the end?

   “Yes, the Vampire I spoke to was not a Level E. She seemed too precious and formal, with deep blue eyes and long golden hair. She reminded me of the sea somewhat…” I eavesdropped on Kurando’s and the Headmaster’s conversation. “She might’ve been what you called a ‘Pure Blood’ but I’m not sure.” Kurando pouted in disbelief. This must be very hard on him to understand… I feel a little bad.

   “Well yes… this Vampire description is very similar to other spotting’s around town. People have noticed her for her beauty and unique style of walking. Some of the Vampires here say that they’ve seen her use an ability out of this world.” The Headmaster exclaimed quietly. He noticed me looking and I pointed towards the door indicating I wanted to leave. He waved me off and turned to Kurando once again.

   “What power was that?” Kurando asked in curiosity. I stopped outside the doorway; I wanted to hear as well.

   The Headmaster cleared his throat and his voice got softer so I listened as hard as I could, “Time travel.” He spoke and I quickly skipped off away from the Office… TIME TRAVEL?! No one in the world could have that ability! How can one Vampire have it?! I thought the power I used against Kaname was awesome but time travel? That’s the best that best can be!

   I thought about the Vampire which had the ability of time travel and instantly thought of ‘Doctor Who’ with his magical time machine the little blue box called ‘The Tardis’. I love that show.

Once I arrived at my dorm, Asuna wanted to know EVERYTHING about what happened. I shrugged and just said, “They just said that it was argent to get me there faster because the Headmaster has errands today. It was nothing important.” Asuna frowned.

   “Really?” She didn’t sound convinced.

   I sighed, “Even if it was something important and I forced not to say anything to anyone do you really think I’d tell you?”


   “You really don’t know me very well then,” I walked around her to my bed.

   “You're just mean then,” She snapped with a sad face.

   “No,” I stepped back and faced her, “I just keep my promises without hesitation. I’m loyal and can be trusted.” I replied and nodded.

   Asuna just stared at me and looked down at the floor. She then walked into the bathroom for a bit. That made me feel like crap… I really shouldn’t have gone off at her.

   “I just wish you’d tell me what you do or what the night class students are up to or something.” She called out. I rolled my eyes and headed for the bathroom. She was sitting on the toilet.

   “OK, wanna hear a massive secret?” I asked as I leaned against the doors border.

   “Oh my God yes!”

   “All the night class students are Vampires.” I said with a grin.

   Asuna tilted her head to one side, “Don’t be ridicules! If you won’t tell me anything then don’t bother with telling me anything at all.” I couldn’t help but laugh. I told her the truth yet she still wasn’t happy.

   “OK, you’re wish.” I said stepping out of the bathroom. I then realized I hadn’t even brushed my teeth yet. I quickly turned around and stared at Asuna. “I… need to brush my teeth.” I mumbled. She shot me a strange look.

   “You haven’t done that yet? That’s disgusting.” She replied stepping past me. “Hey Yuna…”

   I span to see her, “Yeah.”

   She sighed and stared at the floor looking in-between depressed and sad, “You don’t believe Vampires exist do you?” She said as her eyes looked somewhat empty.

   I just stared at her; nothing came out of my mouth. I didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know,” I managed to spit out. She sighed again and walked over to her bed to lie down… is there something she’s not telling me?

   I thought about quickly brushing my teeth then going to ask her about why she’s so upset about the mention of Vampires. Does she believe in them herself?

   As I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair a bit also, I returned to the bedroom to see Asuna leaving the dorm. I was so surprised so I ran next to her. “Hey, where are you going?” She closed the door in my face and didn’t say anything… what’s wrong?

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