Chapter 29: The Bird Attack!

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Chapter 29:

The Bird Attack!

As we made it outside, both me and Asuna were glancing around restlessly, searching for this animal that sounded as if it was getting killed.

   “ASUNA!” Called Yuuki running over to us. She gasped at the sight of me, “Yuna?! What are you doing here?”

   I pushed my hands behind my back and looked upwards, “Nothing…” I croaked. Yuuki glared at me, “OK, we both heard the noise so we both came out. I wasn’t gonna stay in my dorm, jeez. Don’t you guys know me? My curiosity gets the better of me all the time.”

   “Yeah but curiosity killed the cat.” Zero murmured in a deep voice coming up behind me. I jumped and span to see him, “You should be resting, idiot.”

   Suddenly, the cries of what sounded like a young dog began to get louder and louder. I glanced at Asuna in terror and looked at Zero.

   “That doesn’t sound like a cat to me.” I mentioned skipping by him and bolting in the direction of the horrible noises. All three following in my footsteps.

I came across a large bush where I heard whimpering. My head pricked upwards and I quickly and quietly peered over it and gasped lightly at the sight. My eyes were wide open and the three of the following bunch crouched behind me and whispered, “What is it?”

   I shook my head in disgust, “A wolf cub—it’s getting attacked by a group crows. I have never seen such a sight. Why would they do this?”

   I shivered at the sight of the birds launching themselves at the poor innocent cub with their sharp claws and beaks. There were about five crows and the cub was lying down, bleeding and crying out in pain.

   I felt tears well in the back of my eyes and I quickly leapt over the bushes and in front of the wolf. “Hey! Pick on someone your own size! Stupid birds!” I snapped trying to shoo the crows away. They didn’t even flinch. They just stared deeply at me.

   “Yuna!” Yuuki murmured in a worried voice, “They’re not normal birds I don’t think. Get away from there!”

   “Huh?” I turned my head to the side to see her head peering over the bush, “But they’re gonna hurt the—” I was interrupted with a sharp pain slash at my arm.

“Argh!” I cried out in pain and grasped my arm. One of birds swooped at me and slashed my arm open with its beak.

   “Yuna get back!” Asuna cried and I felt Zero pull me back over the bush, I reached my arms out and grabbed the wolf cub around the stomach and held him as I was pulled aback.

   “You poor thing…” I muttered and held him close.

   “Crap!” Asuna shouted and pulled me up, “They’re after us!”

   I glanced up and many more crows, a lot more than five, flew up above and in front of us. They all charged at us with their beaks and claws out in front. We all pushed each other and bolted in the opposite direction. We could just see their shadows lightly on the dark ground beneath us, they were launching at us but we were very quick for them.

   “They’re gonna kill us!” Asuna cried out, tears pouring out of her eyes.

   “No they won’t, we need to get undercover idiot!” Zero shouted at her.

   “Shut up, I’m scared! I’ve never liked birds.”

   “Grow up and run faster!” Zero replied angrily.

Vampire Knight- Shiki Senri Love StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon