Chapter 12: Pictures of You, Pictures of Me

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Chapter 12:

Pictures of You, Pictures of Me  

   “And when were you going to tell me this? YUNA GET UP NOW!” I quickly sat up, my eyes fuzzy and full of sleep, a slow and annoying head rush then filled my vision. What the hell did Asuna want?!

   “Whaa… Is the Dorm on fire?” I asked sleepily with a yawn. I began to play with my mother’s necklace which was chained around my neck.

   “Maybe you should open your eyes more. Your boyfriend’s here.” She exclaimed annoyingly. I shook my head in confusion and glanced up. Shiki was standing in the Dorm.

   “Shiiii—” I cried almost swearing as I fell, face first, out of bed. I perked my head up slightly so I could see him. He was wearing casual clothes; a light green shirt with dark brown work pants. His hair messy as always but he looked amazing as usual. “I really don’t think boys are allowed in the girls Dorm’s… are they?” I asked hiding myself from behind the bed, peering out to see him.

   “He’s from the night class though so it’s all good.” Asuna said, she turned to face him. “I don’t get it though; do you guys sleep in the day and work at night?”

   “Yes, most of us. As you now know about my modelling career I sometimes skip sleep and work for 24 hours.” Shiki replied crossing his arms.

   Asuna was holding some photos and she was studying them, “You guys are basically Vampires then,” Asuna joked with a laugh. I gasped and leapt out next to her.

   I fake laughed, “Yeah but Vampires don’t exist! They’re like that but Vampires are myths.” I said standing in front of Shiki, “Oh and what were you saying before?”

   Asuna frowned, “Since when were you a model with Shiki?” She snapped angrily. I looked at Shiki in surprise.

   “She wouldn’t let me talk…” Shiki murmured facing away from me in disappointment. I smiled happily though.

   “It was just a one off thing. Shiki’s boss said I could do a photo shoot with him—once in a lifetime. I’m most likely never doing it again though.” I exclaimed. I looked over Asuna’s shoulder to see them, “How’d they turn out.”

   “See for yourself,” Asuna handed me the photos, there were a lot there. I studied all of them, picking out the ones I liked the best. The ones where I was sitting on his lap were the cutest, but the ones where we were standing and holding each other looked quite romantic. I liked them all if I did say so myself.

   “I love them,” I admitted as I passed a grin onto Shiki. He nodded.

   “They’re all of them. Might I keep one?” He asked placing his hand out in front of mine. I hesitated in a surprised manner; I thought he wouldn’t care about something like this—especially if it was me of all people. After thinking about what Rima said yesterday, it kind of put me off believing I ever had a chance with Shiki at all. I mean I do like him a lot and that but I would say if anyone had a chance, it would be Rima.

   “Um, yeah sure. They are yours. No need to ask me Shiki.” I said handing them to him. He began to flip through the photos until he stared at one particular one for a moment. He handed me the others and looked at the one which he most likely wanted to take with him. “Which one?” I asked in curiosity. He shined the picture in my direction and I saw it was with both me and him standing side by side, the camera’s pictured our faces really close up. It was a cute picture, something like what someone would put as a display photo on a contact sight but it looked a lot more professional then when people shine a camera above their head and take selfies.

   “This one,” He said, “You look very nice in it.” He turned to me and bowed, then left the Dorm and quietly walked down the hallway trying not to stir the sleeping teenage girls close by.

   “I like that one too…” I mumbled as if he was still in the room. I then sighed and walked over to my desk, placing the photos in one of my desk draws. I was a little upset that he left without a word. If I were visiting him at any stage, I’d make the time to spend a while with him and actually say goodbye rather than just leave. I guess Rima was right… he won’t ever like me in that way. I sat on my bed and began to think deeply. Asuna looked worried.

   “Hey,” she started, “You’re not OK. I can tell. If you need talking to then ask me.” She said coming to sit next to me. She began to rub my back. I then wondered about Rima and her gesture to both me and Shiki and then her fangs. Was she telling me something about someone being bitten by either her or Shiki? It was most likely me. Shiki wouldn’t bite me though, he hasn’t yet and I know I can trust him—it’s just Rima I don’t feel safe around.

   “I like Shiki right?” I began, “But I don’t think he’ll ever like me back. Plus, Rima hates me… I don’t know what to do.” I said feeling quite depressed. My chest began to hurt and tears were welling in my eyes but I managed to keep them back.

   “You’re in the same position as every other girl at this academy. They’re in love with the night class students, you’re just gonna have to face the fact that you’re one of them. I suppose you have a much greater chance of getting Senri and now Rima hates your guts but you can’t just give up so easily. So what she doesn’t like you, that wouldn’t stop the Yuna I know. She’s force her way to get to the mysterious Shiki Senri and they’ll have little babies with purple/brown hair.” Asuna said, finishing with a laugh. I seriously couldn’t help but crack up too. “My point is that you may be in the same position as the others but I know you are one of the few who might actually get somewhere with it. He likes you and he has never treated any girl like this before—well from my memory at least. You’re one in a million, Yuna. Don’t ever forget that.”

   I glanced up at Asuna with a massive smile, “You’re so right.” I said, “Thanks so much Asuna for being there for me. You’re my best friend!” I said about to cry but not with sadness anymore but with either joy or humour. What she said seriously did cheer me up and now I felt as if I could take on the world!

   At that moment someone came knocking really loudly at the door. I stood up fast and skidded to the door, opening it my path. I gazed upon Zero. He wasn’t happy.

   “We’ve got trouble.” He started; he then glanced at Asuna with a glare. She looked down in a shy manner; obviously she knew she couldn’t get involved. No one would ever start a fight with Zero. “Get dressed and quickly come the Headmasters Office. The Disciplinary Committee all need to meet there now. If you don’t show they’ll be consequences. You come now OK?” I nodded and he left quickly down the hall.

   “I wonder what’s up…” I mumbled to myself. I quickly ran past Asuna and collected my casual clothes and got changed. “Be back in a jiffy!” I exclaimed and left the Dorm.

Vampire Knight- Shiki Senri Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now