Chapter 8

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Error's P.O.V

'$+UP1D, $+UP1D, $+UP1D!!' I shrieked to myself as I paced back in forth in Waterfall at the DanceTale timeline #56.

'₩hat +h3 h3ll 1$ ₩r0n9 ₩1+h m3?' I thought anxiously as I think back to the conversation I had with Dream. I felt a small heat of blush slowly color my cheekbones as I remember the look on his face as I asked him to join me in one of my many visits to Outertale. How his warm golden eyes seemed to sparkle with joy and his face seems to glow with excitement at the meer thought of going to a different AU with me.

'$+0p +h@+!' I scolded myself and shook my skull to hopefully get rid of these sudden thoughts that invade my mind.

'Aw, look at that, it seems that Error has a crush.' A sudden whisper spoke into my head, I immediately stopped my passing as one dreaded thought went through my head '+h3 v01c3$ @r3 b@ck.'

'Heck yeah we're back! Miss us Error?'

'I highly doubt that. If anything he was probably glad to that we were gone for a bit.'

'Oh come on, do you really think that?'

*deadpans* 'Of course I do, if anything I'll be surprised if he did miss us.'

'Your so negative ######, why don't you cheer up for once and think positive.'

'I rather die thank you.'

'.....Mood much,'

"1 $33 ¥0u @ll @r3 @$ @nn0¥1n9 @$ 1 r3m3mb3r." I said with a sigh of distress as I hear on of the voices gasp in protest.

'Excuse me!! I'll have you know I am NOT annoying.'

'I'll believe that when pigs fly.'

'Oh shut up, no one asked for your opinion Karen.'

'EXCUSE YOU?!?! I am NOT a Karen and I'll have you know I am more tolerable then you'll ever be in a thousand years.'

*Gasps* 'Oh you take that back you little shi-'

"₩3ll @ll 0f y0u k1ndl¥, $hu+ uP!" I snapped irritatingly "¥0u 9u¥'$ h@v3 b@rl3¥ b33n h3r3 f0r l3$$ +h@n @ m1nu+3 @nd y0u'v3 @lre3@d¥ $+@r+3d 91v1n9 m3 @ hu93 h3@d@ch3." I said out loud as I clinch my fists in clear irritation 'Sorry,' They all muttered apologetically, sounding like a bunch of children who just got scolded. "+h@nk ¥0u." I said with a sigh as I stare at the river of Waterfall, soaking up the bleessful silence.

'Sooooo, who's this crush of yours?' One of the voices say, breaking the silence. "₩-₩H@+!! ₩h3r3 d1d ¥0u 93+ +h3 1d3@ +h@+ 1 h@v3 @ cru$h 0n s0m30n3!?" I shouted, getting caught completely off guard as I glitched in suprise and I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

*Squeel* 'So I was right! You do like someone!'

'Error has a Crush on someone? Well that's certainly unexpected.'

'Aaw, well I think it's adorable, so tell us Error, who's the lucky person~'

"$h-$hu+up! 1 d0n'+ h@v3 @ cru$h 0n @n¥0n3!!" I yelled as I could practically feel my whole skull burning with blush.

'Sure you don't, if your going to lie to us Error, at least try to sound convincing.'

'Error has a crush~ Error has a crush~.'

'You suck at lying you know that, right?'

'Ooh~ I wonder who it is?' *insert lenny face*

"$h-$hu+ up!! @ll 0f ¥0u ju$+ $hu+up!!" I shrieked at them and started to wildly glitch due to my distress and embarrassment.

'Alright, alright, we'll stop, buuuut, only if you tell us who it is.' One of the voices offered as I scoffed but sighed in defeat "F1n3, bu+ 0nl¥ 1f ¥0u @ll $+0p p1$+ur1n9 m3 @b0u+ 1+." I said as I heard the voices hum in agreement.

"1+'$..." I hesitate before continuing "1+'$ Dr3@m." I said as I prepare for their reaction.

'WHAT!!' All of them shrieked at once, causing me to slightly wince in pain.

'HAHAHAHAHA!! I KNEW IT!! PAY UP B*TCHES!!' One of them shouted victoriously as the others grumble in protest. "₩@1+, d1d ¥0u 9u¥$ $3r10u$l¥ m@d3 @ b3+ 0n ₩h0 1 l1k3?!" I said in disbelief.

'Yep and I wone that bet!' They said proudly 'Lies, I bet you just cheated somehow because there was no way at the time Error would've like someone like Dream.' *rolls eyes* 'Yeah, yeah, now stop being a sore loser and pay up.'

I sighed in annoyance as the voices continue to bicker like a bunch of little kids fighting over a toy to play with '₩h¥ 1$1+ +h@+ 1 c@n'+ h@v3 @ m0m3n+ 0f p3@c3 +h3$3 d@¥$."




'What the hell is wrong with me?'

'Stop that!'

'The voices are back.'

"I see you all are as annoying as I remember."

"Well all of you kindly, shut up!"

"You guys have barely been here for less than a minute and you've already started giving me a huge headache."

"Thank you."

"W-WHAT!! Where did you get the idea that I have a crush on someone!?"

"Sh-shut up! I don't have a crush on anyone!!"

"Sh-shut up! All of you, just shut up!!"

"Fine, but only if you all stop pisturing me about it."


"It's Dream."

"Wait, did you guys seriously made a bet on who I like?!"

'Why is it I can't have a moment of peace these days.'

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