Chapter 10

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Dream's P.O.V

I honestly don't know why, but ever since the incident in Outertale, I've been having this weird feeling towards Error.

Whenever I see him, I feel my soul beating slightly faster then usual, when he compliments me, gives me his usual small smiles, or I catch him staring at me, I feel my face heat up and my soul making this tingling feeling that always leaves a lingering warmth behind.

'What's wrong with me? Am I sick?' I thought when I got a sudden flashback of Errors calm face as he stared at the stary sky. His mitch matching eyes perfectly reflecting the stars above him, as his pitch black bones seem to glow, making his features more defined, his Royale blue tear marks sparkling softly, as a small yet noticeable smile graced his face.

My face almost immediately heated up from the memory as I practically felt my soul skip a beat. 'Of all things, why the heck did I suddenly thought of Error at that particular time.' I thought when a sudden answer came to mind 'No way.... could I be, but that's impossible. As the Gaurdian of Positivity, I shouldn't have any romantic interests on someone. Especially with the God of Destruction.' I thought and began pacing around the Anti-Void.

"D3@m, @r3 ¥0u 0k@¥?" A glitchd voice asks me, I squeak in suprise as I quickly turn around to face a concern Error "Error!! Oh-um, I-I'm fine, I'm uh just thinking. Why? Did you need anything?" I ask him, slightly desperate to change the subject "N0, 1 f0und ¥0u p@ss1n9 @round +h3 @n+1-V01d l00k1n9 @ b1+ $+r3$$3d 0u+, @r3 ¥0u $ur3 ¥0u'r3 0k@¥?" He questions me once more.

I started calming down when I realized that he was genuinely worried about me. I gave him a gentle smile as I felt my soul beat with warmth "I'm alright Error, though I am sorry for worrying you." I told him as his face flushed with blue "1-1 ₩@$3n'+ ₩0rr13d @b0u+ ¥0u!! 1n f@c+ 1 ₩@$n'+ ₩0rr13d @+ @ll! 1 ₩@$ ju$+....cur10u$3. ¥3@h! 1 ₩@$ ju$+ cur10u$3 @b0u+ ₩h@+ c@u$3d ¥0u +0 l00k $0 d1$+r3$$ 3@l13r." He said with a proud smile like he just discovered what 1 + 1 is.

I tried to contain my laughter that ended up coming out as a snort as Error gave me a weird but annoyed look. "₩h@+ $0 funn¥." He asks "It's nothing, its just, thank you for asking anyways." I said with grateful smile. Error lightly blushed before covering his mouth with his scarf and mumbled "₩h@+3v3r."

An awkward silence befell the two of us when Error suddenly shrieks out "1'M N0+ @ $1MP!!" With his face practically covered with a dark blue that I'm now thinking is his way of blushing. "I never said you were." I told him awkwardly and slightly sweat-dropped from his sudden outburst. Error only took one look at me as his blushed not only deepened but he seemed to suddenly froze into place and started to wildly glitchd out.

'What the!' I panicked as I rushed towards Error when an Icon suddenly popped out.

Error#1 Ex has crashed

Reboot comincing in





'Rebooting? What does that mean?' I thought and worriedly look at Error. I watch as the bar from above slowly starting to fill up as I decided that all I could do was wait till the 'Reboot' was finished. When one question suddenly came into mind.

'Why did Error suddenly freaked out like that?'



"Dream are you okay?"

"No, I found you passing around the Anti-Void looking a bit stressed out, are you sure you're okay?"

"I-I wasn't worried about you!! In fact I wasn't worried at all! I was just....curious. Yeah! I was just curious about what caused you to look so distress earlier."

"What's so funny."



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