Chapter 25

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Third Person's P.O.V

As the day started drawing into a close, Error and Dream sat at the top of a nearby hill as they peacefully watch the sunset together. However, little does the other one know, one of them is contemplating on making a move.

'C'mon Dream, if he's comfortable with being near you and allows you to occasionally touch him. Then surely he wouldn't mind,' Dream thought as his soul thumps nervously and his fingers twitch anxiously.

With a deep breath, Dream did his best steel his nerves as he hesitantly placed his hand over Errors. Error glitched in suprise as he looked at Dream who quickly looks away in embarrassment "S-sorry Error," Dream stutters as he was about to remove his hand when Error grabbed it and lased their fingers together. "D-d0n'+ @p0l091z3," he said as he avoided Dream's gaze as he pulled his scarf over his mouth in an attempt to hide his blush.

Dream flushed a bright yellow as he softly smiles to himself and he carefully lays his head on Errors shoulder. Error glitches even more as his blush darkens, but made no move to remove him. They sat there sat in blissful silence as they watch the sun sink deeper to the ground as the sky turns into a deep dark blue and purple that was littered with star. While it wasn't as breathtaking as the view in OuterTale, it was still beautiful nonetheless.

"1-1 $h0uld 93+ 901n9," Error said as he got up, bringing Dream with him as their hands were still intertwined "I see.....I should get going too before Ink and Blue start wondering where I am." Dream said, but they both made no move to leave, as if they're trying to saver each second they have together.

With much hesitance, Dream slowly let goes of Errors hand as he reluctantly faces away from him "I'll see you later Error," Dream said as he summons his staff. Error frowns but nodded in agreement as he also turn to summon his own portal.

Before he could summon his glitched portal, he felt a sudden force pull on the back of his jacket, causing him to stumble back as he felt a pair of warm lips(?) meet his own, it was quick, sweet, and gentle, but it was enough to make him temporarily crash as he his mitch matching eyes meet two golden ones.

They're lips(?) separated as Error stood there stuned, staring at a very flustered Dream "I-I'm so sor-ry Er-ror!! I-I ment i-it to b-be a kiss o-on the che-ek as a-a thank y-you for su-uch an amaz-ing time. N-not an ACTUAL kiss!! I u-understand i-if you-ou hate me-e now a-and--mmph!!!" Dream was then interrupted by familier pair of lips(?) that successfully stopped his panick ranting.

"¥0u ₩0rr¥ +00 mUCh," Error mutters as he broke the kiss, Dream stood there absolutely dumbfounded as his face was covered with bright yellow blush as you could practically see steam coming out of his skull.

Error gave out a small chuckle finding his expression absolutely adorable as he created a portal to Nightmares castle. "1'll s33 ¥0u l@+3r Dr3@m," Error said with huge grin as he steps through the portal, leaving a stunned Dream behind.



"D-don't apologize,"

"I-I should get going,"

"You worry too much,"

"I'll see you later Dream,"

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