Insomnia In a Nutshell

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Chapter 3

Error: *contemplating about his dream*

Nightmare: *snaps the string Error lent him a while ago*

Error: *feels a bit of his magic being released in AlterTale* *ignores it* +h3¥'ll b3 fine

Nightmare: *awkwardly stands in front of the Star Sanses who gave him a weird look*

Nightmare: Goddammit Error

*technical difficulties*

Chapter 6

Dream: *about to talk to Error*

Error: N0

Dream: But-

Error: Hush

Dream: I-

Error: $hu+ Up

Dream: .......

Error: .......

Dream: .......

Error: *Sighs*

Error: ......F1n3

Dream: :D

*technical difficulties*

Chapter 7

Dream: *just being his usual kind self*

Error: *having a gay panic attack*

*technical difficulties*

Chapter 10

Dream: *contemplating on all his life choices*

Dream: *also is having a slight gay panic attack*

Error: *appears*

Dream: *gets scared half to death*

*technical difficulties*

Chapter 13

Sci: *is cleaning his desk and contemplating on whether to ask out Fell or not*

Ink & Blue: *pops out of nowhere* Hi!!

Sci: *screeches in terror*

*technical difficulties*

Chapter 17

Ink: *happy that Dream is back*

Dream: *happy to see Ink*

Ink: *notices that he is barley wounded*

Ink: What happend to you at the Anti-Void?

Dream: Um.....

Dream: *teleports to a random AU*

Ink: *confuse noises*

*technical difficulties*

Chapter 24

Error & Dream: *enjoying their hangout (cough) date (cough)*

Nightmare: *goes into overprotective brother mode*

Error & Dream: *kisses*

Nightmare: *snaps a stick in half and dangerously growls*

*technical difficulties*

Author's Note:
Hello fellow readers, this is my first nutshell Chapter and I apologize if it's very cringe. I don't currently have any ideas for Chapter 27 at the moment but I still wanted to post something for you all so I did.......this.

Anyways, I hope you found this bonus chapter.......somewhat entertaining and I'll see you on the next one.

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