Chapter 23

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Error P.O.V

As we start approaching the Cafe, I swiftly made my way infront of Dream and open the door for him "Oh! Thank you Error," Dream said with a grateful smile, I lightly blush in embarrassment and buried my nose to my scarf "N0 pr0bl3m," I muttered softly as Dream giggles in response. My blush darkens a little as we make our way to a table of two.

"Welcome to my Cat Cafe, what would you two like to drink?" The skeleton, whom I assume was Cchino, ask us politely "Um, can I have some Bobba Tea please?" Dream asks, looking up from the menu "Of course, and you?" Cchino asks as he wrote down the drink and turn to me "C@n 1 h@v3 +h3 p3nu+ bu++3r @nd ch0cl@+3 $m00+h13." I said calmly, Cchino gave me a puzzle look before snapping in realization.

"Ooh! Okay, sure, do you want anything else?" Cchino asks "No, that'll be all for now." Dream says, putting down the menu "Alright, I'll be back with your drinks in just a moment." Cchino said as he walks towards the kitchen "So Error, how have you been so far?" Dream asks me "1'v3 b33n d01n9 f1n3 f0r +h3 m0$+ p@r+, bu+ 1 +h1nk N19h+m@r3 1$ $+@r+1n9 +0 93+ $u$p1c10u$ 0f m3." I admitted with a sigh "1 c@n n3v3r h1d3 @n¥+h1n9 f0r +00 l0n9 ₩h3n 1+ c0m3$ +0 +h@+ d@mn 0c+0pu$." I said.

Dream stays silent for a bit as if contemplating something in his head "Dr3@m, @r3 ¥0u 0k@¥?" I ask him "Oh, I'm alright I was just wondering..." he paused, seemingly hesitant before changing his mind "It's nothing, nevermind." Dream said, I frowned in response and was about to question him when Cchino arrived with our drinks "Here you go, I hope you enjoy." He said before he left.

We sat there drinking in silence when I decided to speak "$0 ₩h@+ ₩@$ ¥0ur qu3$+10n @9@1n?" I ask Dream as he looked at me in surprise "Huh? It's nothing really, it's a dumb question anyways." He said sheepishly as he nervously stirred his drink with his straw "1f 1+ ₩@$ ju$+ @ dUmb qu3$+10n, ₩h¥ b0+h3r 3v3n @$k1n9 1n +h3 f1r$+ pl@c3?" I ask him "W-well I um," Dream hesitates "L00k, 1 ₩0n+ 93+ up$$3+ 1f +h@+'$ ₩h@+ ¥0ur ₩0rr13d @b0u+." I told him as he gave me an uneasy look.

"Are you sure?" Dream questions me "¥up, $0 @$k @₩@¥." I insisted, Dream was silent for a bit before sighing in agreement "I....I was wondering how Nightmare is he like when you occasionally meet him." Dream said, I raise a bonebrow in suprise as I didn't expect that type of question to come out of him "₩3ll," I started, gaining his attention.

"1f 1'm b31n9 h0n3$+, h3 h@$ @ v3r¥ c0ld ¥3+ d3m@nd1n9 p3r$0n@l1+¥. H3 1$ v3r¥ $+r1c+ @nd $+ubb0rn, bu+ kn0₩$ h0₩ +0 93+ +h1n9$ d0n3 qu1ck @nd 3ff3$10n+l¥. H3 @l$0 $3cr3+l¥ c@r3$ f0r @ll 0f u$ 1n h1$ 9@n9 bu+ l1k3$ +0 c0n$+@n+ll¥ d3n¥ 1+. H3 kn0₩$ ₩h3n +0 b@ck d0₩n fr0m @ f19h+ 1f 1+'$ +0 mUcH f0r @n¥ 0f u$ +0 h@ndl3, bu+ 0v3r@ll 1'll $@¥ h3'$ @....D3C3N+ l3@d3r." I said with a huff, earning a small chuckle of amusement from Dream.

I gave Dream a small glare only to falter when I saw the look on his face "Thank you Error for telling me this, you honestly have no idea how much it really means to me." He said wistfully, almost sadly as he stares at his Bobba Tea. His expression contains a bittersweet smile, his eyes were sad as they seem to glimmer with nonexistent tears yet have some form of pride and joy as if he was somewhat happy from what I told him.

I gave out a frown as I was semi confused from his reaction but decided to not question him in the end "N0 pr0bl3m," I said simply as we continue on the day talking to each other and enjoying each others company.

????????? P.O.V

I growl angerly as I watch from the shadows of a building as Error talks to that pathetic excuse of a Gaurdian and hiss in pain as I felt the aura of Positivity grew when I suddenly heard my name.

I frown in disgust as my tentacles flicker back and forth in irritation and I narrow my eye in anger "It's rude to talk about someone behind there back when they're listening."




"No problem,"

"Can I have the peanut butter and chocolate smoothie."

"I've been doing fine for the most part, but I think Nightmare is starting to get suspicious of me."

"I can never hide anything for too long when it comes to that damn octopus."

"Dream, are you okay?"

"So what was your question again?"

"If it was just a dumb question, why bother even asking in the first place?"

"Look, I won't get upset if that's what your worried about."

"Yup, so ask away."


"If I'm being honest, he has a very cold yet demanding personality. He is very strict and stubborn, but knows how to get things done quick and efficiently. He also secretly cares for all of us in his gang but likes to constantly deny it. He knows when to back down from a fight if it's to much for any of us to handle, but overall I'll say he's a....DECENT leader."

"No problem,"

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